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Book description
NO RED PEN is intended for those writers looking for information on what to consider when forming or joining a writers group and for writers seeking tools for critiquing work in progress. This is not a how to for writers groups. There is no discussion of specific craft techniques. There are other books in the market that discuss finer points of writer group administration and many that deal with craft. This book is intended to empower the reader with making informed choices in the marketplace of writing group workshops and provide useful skills for critique consumers. The act of entrusting ones written work and exposing that product of imagination, heart, and soul to the criticism of others is a risky and brave action by the writer and a privilege for the reader. NO RED PEN - WRITERS, WRITING GROUPS, AND CRITIQUE is meant to provide a toolbox of issues for consideration and recommendations for how to conduct a writers workshop and critique that fundamentally respects the writer and the work. What others are saying about No Red Pen: Writers, Writing Groups & Critique: Its good to be reminded that the basics about how to be in or lead a writing group really do exist AND they can be clearly transmitted. In NO RED PEN, a clear thinker and an incredibly organized writer takes us through all the steps. Every teacher of writing from high school through graduate school should have a copy of Vicki Hudsons very fine handbook. I found a gem in every chapter. - Eloise Klein Healy, Founder and Editor, Arktoi Books, www.Arktoi.com, www.eloisekleinhealy@mac.com Allowing others to read and critique your work is not something a writer should take lightly. This smart book will help you avoid potential pitfalls and ensure that you understand the process. It is a valuable tool for writers!- Stephanie Chandler, author of several books including The Authors Guide to Building an Online Platform, www.StephanieChandler.comA good critique group should help you grow, not make you cower. Hudson has written a comprehensive guide to forming and maintaining a cower-free, supportive, honest, and enriching one. A must-read for anyone looking to start a fabulous writing group (or wanting to fix a broken one)! - Tanya Egan Gibson, author How to Buy a Love of Reading, www.tanyaegangibson.com Learning to give and to get a critique is an essential part of honing a writer’s work. In this short, easy-to-digest book, Vicki Hudson offers invaluable, step-by-step advice on how critique partners can respectfully offer feedback so the writer actually can hear it and put it to use. This book should be required reading for every critique group! - Nina Amir, author of How to Blog a Book, www.copywrightcommunications.com.
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