where can I download Mrs Craddock by W. Somerset Maugham without signing author get access online

where can I download Mrs Craddock by W. Somerset Maugham without signing author get access online

where can I download Mrs Craddock by W. Somerset Maugham without signing author get access online

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Book description
Between any two lovers there is always one who loves, and one who lets themself be loved. It is the one who loves, that always gets hurt.This quote from Mrs. Craddock (Ive rendered it as best I can from the original French) sums the book up well. The theme of unrequited love, or less-requited love at least, is also central to Maughams superb Of Human Bondage (in fact, I believe a character in that book says it as well, only in English).While Mrs. Craddock is definitely not up to the snuff of Of Human Bondage, its a powerful story in its own right. For one of Maughams earliest published works, it already shows his impressive capacity to drag the reader with him through joy and despair. It also shows his knack for presenting characters as three-dimensional people with realistic motivations and needs; he does an amazing job in this novel of presenting characters in bitter conflict with each other, yet he refuses to take the side of either one, leaving the reader to draw his or her own conclusions.Some of the writing is a little precious and melodramatic compared to his stark, raw later work; this is clearly a novel with one foot still in the 19th century. But it was still a very worthwhile read, for its emotional impact and as an interesting glimpse into Maughams development as a writer.
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