where can I download Mountain of Fame: Portraits in Chinese History by John E. Wills Jr. pc kickass read link text

where can I download Mountain of Fame: Portraits in Chinese History by John E. Wills Jr. pc kickass read link text

where can I download Mountain of Fame: Portraits in Chinese History by John E. Wills Jr. pc kickass read link text

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Book description

Book description
Through biographies of Chinas most colorful and famous personalities, John Wills displays the five-thousand-year sweep of Chinese history from the legendary sage emperors to the tragedy of Tiananmen Square. This unique introduction to Chinese history and culture uses more than twenty exemplary lives, including those of statesmen, philosophers, poets, and rulers, to provide the focus for accounts of key historical trends and periods. What emerges is a provocative rendering of Chinas moral landscape, featuring characters who have resonated in the historical imagination as examples of villainy, heroism, wisdom, spiritual vision, political guile, and complex combinations of all of these. Investigating both the legends and the facts surrounding these figures, Wills reveals the intense interest of the Chinese in the brilliance and in the frail complexities of their heroes. Included, for instance, is a description of the frustrations and anxieties of Confucius, who emerges as a vulnerable human being trying to restore the world to the virtue and order of the sage kings. Wills recounts and questions the wonderfully shocking bones about the seventh-century Empress Wu, an astute ruler and shaper of an increasingly centralized monarchy, who has since assumed a prominent position in the Chinese traditions rich gallery of bad examples - because she was a woman meddling in politics. The portrayal of Mao Zedong, which touches upon this leaders earthy personality and his reckless political visions, demonstrates the tendency of the Chinese not to divorce ideology from its human context: Maoism for them is a form of objective Marxism, inseparable from one mans life and leadership. Each of thetwenty chapters provides a many sided exploration of a slice of Chinese history, engaging the general reader in a deep and personal encounter with China over the centuries and today. The biographies repeatedly mirror the moral earnestness of the Chinese, the great value they place
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