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where can I download Miriam by Beatrice Gormley (Goodreads Author) bookshop value download online torrent

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Book description

Book description
This historical novel is set during the time when the Hebrews lived in Egypt, and were considered inferior to the Egyptians. This is the story of how Moses was saved by the Egyptian princess Bint-Anath, told in alternating chapters by his sister Miriam and the princesss primary lady-in-waiting, Nebet. It illuminates a period that is covered by only a few sentences in the Bible, so I found it fascinating. I found the descriptions of daily life at that time for both the Hebrews and the Egyptians most interesting. Gormley did her research! What I especially liked was the conflict Miriam faced as she found herself having to conform to Egyptian ways in order to help her brother, and the temptation of giving in to them completely. In the end, Miriam has to decide if she if a Hebrew or an Egyptian girl. Great Biblical historical novel! Recommended.
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