where can I download Lukes Luck by Hollis Shiloh (Goodreads Author) review online text mp3 fb2

where can I download Lukes Luck by Hollis Shiloh (Goodreads Author) review online text mp3 fb2

where can I download Lukes Luck by Hollis Shiloh (Goodreads Author) review online text mp3 fb2

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Book description
Luke and Alphonse, that unlikely pair of lovers, are still in a relationship. But Luke wonders if its just about good sex for high-powered Alfie. They still have conflicts. Alphonse is busy a lot, and sometimes Luke wonders if he actually cares at all. Life has a way of testing relationships. When Luke loses his job, when the two disagree about getting a dog, when Lukes life ends up in danger from the heartless use of magic. Its going to matter a lot, knowing whether they can count on each other--whether they love each other. One things for sure--with Lukes luck lately, he needs someone he can count on, who cares about him more than anything. He really wants it to be Alphonse. Length: 34,000 words Heat level: spicy takes place after Through the Window and contains characters from that story and Judes Magic
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