where can I download Love on the Rocks by Pamela Yaye buy english free german look

where can I download Love on the Rocks by Pamela Yaye buy english free german look

where can I download Love on the Rocks by Pamela Yaye buy english free german look

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Book description
Love? Two years have passed since Warrick Carver and Tangela Howard went their separate ways, ending a seven-year relationship. After seeing the new and improved Tangela gracing the cover of People magazine, Warrick realizes that she is the one for him. Can he convince Tangela of the same? “Love on the Rocks” was a quick read; however, it was also a disappointing read. The book falters at its very premise. I did not buy the idea of Warrick and Tangela as a couple. These characters did not belong together. Warrick came off as wanting Tangela for what she could do for him, while Tangela appeared needy and desperate. As a result, the love, the romance all seemed forced or artificial. The back stories (his and her job situations, their friends, her weight loss, her relationships) also seemed forced. It didnt really flow smoothly. Having read and enjoyed a previous novel by Yaye, I expected more. There were some redeeming factors – integration of New Orleans and love finally conquering all – but it wasn’t enough to overlook the flaws. Reviewed by: Toni 2.5
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