where can I download Little Pink Pup by Johanna Kerby book audio shop page author

where can I download Little Pink Pup by Johanna Kerby book audio shop page author

where can I download Little Pink Pup by Johanna Kerby book audio shop page author

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Book description
Pink was the runt of the pig litter. He was so small that the Kerby family didn?t think he would survive? so they brought him into the house where he met Tink, a new dachshund mom. When Tink saw Pink, she immediately adopted him into her family, and helped nurse him back to health. Pink thrived in his new family: the puppies didn?t mind that Pink looked nothing like them?he was just their size. This remarkable story has already garnered a great deal of media attention: the irresistible photographs documenting Pink and Tink?s relationship have appeared on Good Morning America and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Readers of all ages will be captivated by these adorable animals and the amazing bond that they share.
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