where can I download Lilac Mines by Cheryl Klein (Goodreads Author) read txt how download audio prewiew

where can I download Lilac Mines by Cheryl Klein (Goodreads Author) read txt how download audio prewiew

where can I download Lilac Mines by Cheryl Klein (Goodreads Author) read txt how download audio prewiew

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Book description
Kleins characters are compelling, one and all. —San Diego Union-TribuneA quirky, quickly paced story of a young woman ending a relationship with a young woman then developing a relationship with another young woman: herself. Kleins first book, The Commuters, was a fine debut. Second books aren’t necessarily as good. In this case, its better. --Noel Alumit, FrontiersFelix Ketay, a twenty-five-year-old Los Angeles dyke, has her foundations shaken when shes ditched by her pomosexual girlfriend and then gay-bashed on the streets of West Hollywood.Felixs old-school lesbian aunt, Anna Lisa Hill, ran away from home in 1965 at age nineteen and ended up in Lilac Mines, a small town in Californias Sierra Nevada foothills with a small but tight-knit butch/femme community.When Felix joins her aunt in Lilac Mines hoping to discover a place of respite, Anna Lisa proves stand-offish, so Felix devotes herself to investigating the towns one hundred-year-old mystery: the disappearance of sixteen-year-old Lilac Ambrose in the mine shafts that run beneath the mountain.Felix learns that finding an authentic history is never easy, but Lilac Mines — with its abandoned mines, unknowable secrets, and the occasional quirky-cute thrift store employee — might not be such a bad place to try.Cheryl Klein is a shameless Angeleno, quiet pescatarian, and shameful tabloid reader. She lives in Los Angeles where she is West Coast director of Poets & Writers, Inc.
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