where can I download Lie with Me by M. Never (Goodreads Author) francais format tablet torrent book

where can I download Lie with Me by M. Never (Goodreads Author) francais format tablet torrent book

where can I download Lie with Me by M. Never (Goodreads Author) francais format tablet torrent book

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Book description
Tell me a secret... CJ Carmichael hasnt been able to get the vivacious blonde he spent four delirious days with off his mind. The blonde who was completely off-limits, but he couldnt deny. Tell me a secret.... CJ had no intention of pursuing her, but Tara Stevens knew what she wanted and it was him. Now six months later, their time together still haunts him. As much as hes tried to talk himself out of seeing her again, the craving is just too powerful. Tell me a secret... Tara is more than willing to spend an entire fantasy weekend with CJ. More than willing to hand herself over to him completely and fulfill his every desire. More than willing to pretend he owns her despite their age difference and Kaynes disapproval. Tell me a secret... Sometimes fantasy becomes a reality. Sometimes people fall in love before they even know it - before they even know each other - and after it’s too late. Tell me a secret... Sometimes, beneath the sweetest secrets are the most deceptive lies. *Lie With Me is a dark erotic romance and can be read as a standalone novel. Please pay close attention to the use of the words dark, erotic, and romance. It has intense sexual situations, mild abuse and some violence. Reader discretion is advised.*
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