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Book description
When Veronica Baldwin unexpectedly finds herself fighting a sex slave ring, she is not only struggling for her own life, she is fighting for her stolen sister, An. Veronica knows well the face of the man responsible for Ans disappearance, and tragically, she knows his involvement means An is dead. Only this time, Veronica makes sure he pays for his sins with an eye for an eye.Veronica’s war has begun, but it is not hers to fight alone.When Veronica chased after her stolen sister, she left behind her flock of soiled doves. Three ladies just as devastated by their common sister’s abduction and violent death as Veronica, and just as ready to seek vengeance. Veronica brought together those ladies to save them from deadly fates on New Yorks meanest streets. She took them from their rootless and solitary lives and gave them back their minds, their souls, and their choices. Together they created their sisterhood; a modern-day brothel disguised by the façade of a real-estate firm. These women bring men’s fantasies to life in vacant apartments scattered throughout Manhattan, and their services are highly sought after.Now, Veronica has failed one of her sisters. The pain inside her guides her and the sisterhood to avenge the murder of one of their own. Through a thrilling but heartbreaking investigation that utilizes their access to the most powerful men in New York, the girls realize that the slavery rings chain of command runs all the way up to the Citys highest levels.
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