where can I download La otra muerte by Jorge Luis Borges free full pc phone book

where can I download La otra muerte by Jorge Luis Borges free full pc phone book

where can I download La otra muerte by Jorge Luis Borges free full pc phone book

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Book description
The Other Death. Front cover depict soldiers in one of the battlefields of old. Borges fucks with Time. Pedro Damian dies an old man in 1946. Some remembers him, however, as a young soldier who died a cowardly death during the Battle of Masoller in 1904. Some have memories of his heroic death during that same battle. How could this be? Borges says:This is my solution. Damian handled himself like a coward on the battlefield at Masoller and spent the rest of his life setting right that shameful weakness. He returned to Entre Rios; he never lifted a hand against another man, he never cut anyone up, he never sought fame as a man of courage. Instead, living out there in the hill country of Nancay and struggling with the backwoods and with wild cattle, he made himself tough, hard. Probably without realizing it, he was preparing the way for the miracle. He thought from his innermost self, If destiny brings me another battle, Ill be ready for it. For forty years he waited and waited, with an inarticulate hope, and then, in the end, at the hour of his death, fate brought him his battle. It came in the form of delirium, for, as the Greeks knew, we are all shadows of a dream. In his final agony he lived his battle over again, conducted himself as a man, and in heading the last charge he was struck by a bullet in the middle of the chest. And so, in 1946, through the working out of a long, slow-burning passion, Pedro Damian died in the defeat at Masoller, which took place between winter and spring in 1904.
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