where can I download Ironwood, Vol. 1 by Bill Willingham (Goodreads Author) ios online portable pc bookstore

where can I download Ironwood, Vol. 1 by Bill Willingham (Goodreads Author) ios online portable pc bookstore

where can I download Ironwood, Vol. 1 by Bill Willingham (Goodreads Author) ios online portable pc bookstore

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Book description

Book description
I have yet to use the phrase fuck-weasel of the tundra in everyday conversation, but Ive been looking forward to the opportunity ever since I picked up Bill Willinghams first half of Ironwood.While some might poo-poo this book as little more than self-indulgent smut-in-elf-ears, there is some intelligent writing behind it that gives it a meaty chunk of entertainment value that goes beyond raw titillation. Sure, theres humping, but its done by characters with just enough personality to make it more than faceless, emotionless, depthless gonzo porn, but just little enough personality to keep it from slipping over into potentially-embarrassing voyeurism.Hell, theres even an entertaining plot that includes political intrigue, and well-thought-out reasoning behind the motivations of some of the major characters. I guess I could say: buy it for the sex, and stay for the story!, but the story is good enough that the sex sometimes becomes secondary, which, I guess, makes this a fantasy book where no doors are closed, and the candle stay lit in the bedchambers.
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