where can I download Im Nobody! Who Are You? by Mary Anderson francais download sale price doc

where can I download Im Nobody! Who Are You? by Mary Anderson francais download sale price doc

where can I download Im Nobody! Who Are You? by Mary Anderson francais download sale price doc

> READ BOOK > Im Nobody! Who Are You?

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Book description

Book description
First of all for anyone reading this to see what I thought of the book, you can ignore this because I thought it was a different book, but I didnt want to loose all my updates to Goodreads. Next the book I actually read with Emily Dicksons poetry was amazing. I really like her writing style. She occasionally has rhymes in her poetry, but thats not all it is. Also she varies the lengths of her poems which is nice.Each poem is like a story. Even just the one that are four lines long. I wish I had this book before I choose my senior quote, because there are some great lines in here specifically the second one on page 50 about not living life in vain. One thing that I would have changed about this is adding names to the poems, I dont know if it was Dickson who chose not to add names or the person who put this specific collection together. It just would be nice to easily refer to a specific poem not using page number. It also would have been nice to see the date that Dickson wrote them, just to see how her writing progressed over time.All in all I would definitely recommend this book. I would also love if there was a class I could take or something to talk about the poems and their meanings. Some of her work is very dark, and seems like there is no hope, and then others are more uplifting, again thats why it would be nice to know when she wrote them. What was going on in her life that influenced them.
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