where can I download History and Material Culture: A Students Guide to Approaching Alternative Sources by Karen Harvey (Editor) italian how read price download СЃhapter

where can I download History and Material Culture: A Students Guide to Approaching Alternative Sources by Karen Harvey (Editor) italian how read price download СЃhapter

where can I download History and Material Culture: A Students Guide to Approaching Alternative Sources by Karen Harvey (Editor)

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Book description
Sources are the raw material of history, but where the written word has traditionally been seen as the principal source, today historians are increasingly recognizing the value of sources beyond text. In History and Material Culture, Karen Harvey embarks upon a discussion about material culture ? considering objects, often those found surrounding us in day to day life, as sources, which can help historians develop new interpretations and new knowledge about the past. Across ten chapters, different historians look at a variety of material sources from around the globe and across centuries to assess how such sources can be used to study history. While the sources are discussed from ?interdisciplinary? perspectives, each contributor examines how material culture can be approached from an historical viewpoint, and each chapter addresses its theme or approach in a way accessible to readers without expertise in the area.In her introduction, Karen Harvey discusses some of the key issues raised when historians use material culture, and suggests some basic steps for those new to these kinds of sources. Opening up the discipline of history to new approaches, and introducing those working in other disciplines to historical approaches, this book is the ideal introduction to the opportunities and challenges of researching material culture.
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