where can I download His Mate- Brothers- Christmas Special by M.L. Briers online kindle ios shop offline

where can I download His Mate- Brothers- Christmas Special by M.L. Briers online kindle ios shop offline

where can I download His Mate- Brothers- Christmas Special by M.L. Briers online kindle ios shop offline

> READ BOOK > His Mate- Brothers- Christmas Special

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Book description
~2.5 stars~I was in the mood for a cute and funny Christmas read and was hoping this would do the trick. Sadly it did not. I think it had potential and it had some funny parts, but what kept me from really like this was the lack of depth in all aspects. The witches rent a cabin.........3 wolf shifters (that don’t like witches) meet them and discover they are their mates. They mate. Insta-love. The end. I really didn’t get much as far as personality from any of the 6 main characters. They all just felt bland and generic. Also, for a short read this book has a lot of editing issues. I am glad that it was offered as a kindleunlimited though and Im still likely to check out some of this writers other work.
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