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Book description
This was a great book about how our country benefits from having guns, how the crime rate dramatically increases once country gets rid of its peoples guns. It shows the evidence that armed citizens reduces crime,and that requiring background checks does not stop crime, but makes it harder for innocent people to get guns, and gets rid of gun shows. The book reveals the lies that liberals and the media use to try to take away our Constitutional rights. The 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution states the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The gun laws that the liberals already have in place are already bad, and need to be gotten rid of, but they want even stricter gun laws, this is not acceptable, and we need to stop them. I would recommend this book to anyone, regardless of their political beliefs, so if the are anti-gun and anti-freedom that they will see how wrong they are , and begin to face reality and change their misguided opinion, to pro-gun. If they already pro-freedom it will enhance their understanding of how great the Second Amendment is.
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