where can I download Grimm Fairy Tales Omnibus Volume 1 by Joe Brusha (Goodreads Author) (Creator) itunes link original selling read

where can I download Grimm Fairy Tales Omnibus Volume 1 by Joe Brusha (Goodreads Author) (Creator) itunes link original selling read

where can I download Grimm Fairy Tales Omnibus Volume 1 by Joe Brusha (Goodreads Author) (Creator) itunes link original selling

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Book description

Book description
Im a sucker for fractured fairy tales, and I love this whole retelling (which is similar-ish to the Fables series).However, its very obvious to me that its written and drawn by men, as the ladies--who comprise about 90% of the majority of the series--are always as scantily-clad as possible. I mean, I love a good pair of boobs as much as the next person, but really? If you were going to be equal opportunity nudity, I would be more inclined to think you were doing it for a reason other than hot, naked girls. But I love everything else about these.
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