where can I download Goalie 2 by Jessica Sarah direct link book mp3 find how download

where can I download Goalie 2 by Jessica Sarah direct link book mp3 find how download

where can I download Goalie 2 by Jessica Sarah direct link book mp3 find how download

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Book description
The long anticipated continuation of the Goalie Series Natalie has way too much on her mind to be worrying about dating guys. A math major at NYU, she’s more focused on solving equations than relationship issues. If pressed, she’ll admit that she does have a little “good luck” charm -- she’s been known to ace exams after one night stands. Then Natalie finds a hot professional goalie who sweeps her off her feet--literally--and is stunned to learn that he wants more than just the stunning encounter they’d just had. Hayden is bemused by his teammate’s obsession with hooking up. Hockey is all he thinks about--until he sees Natalie’s bright smile. They hit it off in style, going back to his place that night. Hayden isn’t used to that sort of thing, but he wants to get used to Natalie. But is she the sweet and smart girl she seems? Or is she just manipulating him? Can Natalie and Hayden pursue the attraction they both feel, or will petty jealousies crush their bond before it’s even formed?
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