where can I download Fade to Black by Scarlet Blackwell free cheap book tablet value

where can I download Fade to Black by Scarlet Blackwell free cheap book tablet value

where can I download Fade to Black by Scarlet Blackwell free cheap book tablet value

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Book description

Book description
Sheriff Brandon Schofield and Finn Austen are still struggling to overcome the ghosts of the past and Finns torture at the hands of his abusive partner, Dominic Bateman. Meanwhile an adult movie company has moved operations to an abandoned warehouse in Clear Water Creek and its stars are vanishing. Soon Brandons investigation leads him to Iowa and he finds the men involved have ties to Finns past. As Brandon battles to bring down the crew behind the films and fight the demons--both real and those haunting the halls of Finns mind--he hopes to slam the door on the past forever and claim the joy he and his lover deserve. CONTENT ADVISORY: This title contains scenes of dubious consent, rape, and excessive violence.
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