where can I download Discovering the Camino de Santiago by Greg J. Markey writer offline author sale download

where can I download Discovering the Camino de Santiago by Greg J. Markey writer offline author sale download

where can I download Discovering the Camino de Santiago by Greg J. Markey writer offline author sale download

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Book description

Book description
The author points out early on that there are few memoirs of walking the Camino de Santiago that are written by Catholics. Hes not wrong -- of those that Ive found to be readily available, the vast majority are by lapsed Catholics, or cultural travellers, or people who consider themselves closer to spiritual but not religious than anything else.With that in mind, I wasnt the right audience for this book, and Id really only recommend it to people who are practicing Catholics and uninterested in other perspectives. Rev. Markey comes off as educated and well-versed in Catholic history, but hes off-puttingly dismissive of many people he meets whose views dont coalesce with his own. Its probably just that hes very secure in his religion, but I didnt care for the side comments about how, say, the idea that being a good person was more important than going to Mass was boring (page 22); unsurprisingly, I was less than impressed by his dismissal of the female Episcopalian priest as having a feminist agenda (49).But again, okay, his background and politics and so on are not mine, and he wrote this book from an explicitly more conservative perspective than others. So moving on... Its a slim volume -- well under a hundred pages -- broken into a few pieces: history, tales from the trail, and a very short conclusion. The history is heavy on both Biblical quotations and other endnote citations and is short but interesting; the conclusion is nothing to write home about.The middle...well, thats complicated. The middle section covers the month or so Rev. Markey spent walking and takes the form of emails sent back home to his congregation. Its unclear whether or not those emails have been supplemented -- he says only that The following...are emails I sent to my parish while walking the Camino... I also kept a handwritten journal, recording the days events (17). As update emails to a parish audience, Id probably call them a success -- light, informative, upbeat; they also (hurray) break the trend of male Camino pilgrims writing extensively about unpleasant smells and bodily functions.At the same time, at a guess Id say that the emails werent much elaborated upon in turning them into book form, and thats a pity. It seems like this would have been the time to go back, flesh out more individual days, go more in depth about people hed talked to. Theres an offhand comment toward the end of the story -- I was pleased to discover a Canadian couple with whom I had travelled a couple of weeks ago had decided to separate after my suggestion that this second marriage of theirs was not pleasing to God (57). Wait, what? There has to be more to the story that that. But...thats all we get. Its appropriate to an emailed update; in a book, it could use more context and setup.Its neither a bad book nor a tremendously complex one. Its probably an important perspective to have out there on the topic, but its also written for a fairly narrow audience. Not my cup of tea, but presumably it would find a better reception with that intended audience.
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