where can I download Curious Wine by Katherine V. Forrest mp3 francais read writer tom

where can I download Curious Wine by Katherine V. Forrest mp3 francais read writer tom

where can I download Curious Wine by Katherine V. Forrest mp3 francais read writer tom

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Book description
There are certain books classified as classics that are important in lesfic. Forrests name comes up a lot because she was writing lesfic before many others. At least lesbian books that werent considered pulp, that had horrible endings. This is a classic lesbian romance, that if you changed a few things, could be written today. And considering this was published when I was 1 years-old, thats pretty good.The main characters do fall in love very quickly, but what I like about it was its sensuality. We dont see that often in books anymore. The touching and stroking and kissing, that doesnt just lead to sex, but is done because you love a person. It was nice to read. And overall I thought the sex scenes were pretty well written for 1983.I do wish there wasnt a rape scene. Its not overly horrific, but I wasnt expecting it, so it was a bit jarring. And the character seemed to get over what happened to her at light speed. I did feel like Daughters of a Coral Dawn, Forrests classic sci-fi book, made me feel more. But I do understand why this is considered a classic.
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