where can I download Cultural Insurrections: Essays on Western Civilization, Jewish Influence, and Anti-Semitism by Kevin B. MacDonald pdf online

where can I download Cultural Insurrections: Essays on Western Civilization, Jewish Influence, and Anti-Semitism by Kevin B. MacDonald pdf online

where can I download Cultural Insurrections: Essays on Western Civilization, Jewish Influence, and Anti-Semitism by Kevin B. MacDonald

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Book description

Book description
Jewish intellectual and political movements have played a major role in Western societies, especially in the twentieth century. Marxism, Zionism, neo-conservatism, psychoanalysis, and multiculturalism have transformed Western self-consciousness, shattered ancient political orders through wars and revolutions, and promoted the ongoing demographic dispossession of European peoples through Third World immigration.In this important book, Prof. MacDonald provides a scholarly and clear-eyed examination of these movements, and their profound impact on the Western world. This book’s 14 outstanding essays are not only models of insight and rigorous scholarship, but also of intellectual candor and clarity. They are essential reading not just for scholars and students, but for anyone who cares about the major trends of the Western world.With a foreword by Dr. Virginia Abernethy, an introduction by the author, source references, an extensive bibliography, and an index.In the book’s first section, Dr. MacDonald looks at Jewish influence in history, especially in the twentieth century western world, with a focus on the Jewish role in Soviet Communism, in neo-conservatism, and in promoting a breakdown of racial self-consciousness among non-Jews.The second section is about the phenomenon of anti-Semitism, with a focus on Henry Fords famous book, The International Jew. In the third section MacDonald discusses the unique features of Western culture and the psychology of ethno-centrism.Kevin MacDonald is a professor of psychology at California State University, Long Beach. He has pioneered the evolutionary analysis of Jewish religious, intellectual, and political movements as strategies for achieving collective survival, advancement and influence in his much-discussed trilogy A People That Shall Dwell Alone (1994), Separation and Its Discontents (1998), and The Culture of Critique (1998).
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