where can I download Coping by J. Bennett (Goodreads Author) bookstore book flibusta information library

where can I download Coping by J. Bennett (Goodreads Author) bookstore book flibusta information library

where can I download Coping by J. Bennett (Goodreads Author) bookstore book flibusta information library

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Book description
Librarians note: Alternate cover edition of ASIN B008EDJ01K.COPING is an exciting novella that follows FALLING in the GIRL WITH BROKEN WINGS series.Maya, a quirky and likable heroine, is intent on joining her half-brothers in their secret war against the genetically-enhanced killers that call themselves angels. Still trying to cope with her new abilities and the hunger that threatens to overwhelm her, Maya may be more of a hindrance than a help to her brothers as they take on a new mission and make a horrifying discovery. COPING is a fast-paced novella that brings readers back into Maya’s darkly-humorous world where angels are not the good guys, the heroes don’t wear tights, and getting in over your head just means it’s Tuesday. This quick read is the perfect bridge between FALLING (Book One in the series) and LANDING (Book Two in the series)Join Maya, Gabe, and Tarren for more blood, bullets, and Chuck Norris jokes in COPING part of the GIRL WITH BROKEN WINGS new adult paranormal series. Warning: This book contains violence and strong language.BOOK REVIEW BLOGGERS LOVE COPING: >>> “5 STARS ALL THE WAY! J Bennett knocks another one out of the park. I thoroughly enjoyed FALLING and now COPING. I cant wait for book 3!!! TBR, Book Review Blog>>> “Its totally exciting. Dramatic. Vividly intense. Poignant. Need I add that its an utterly riveting, page-turning read? To sum up, I have discovered a bold new talent to follow! ” Night’s Dream of Books, Book Review Blog>>> “This is the kind of tale that leaves you desperately wanting the next piece... any piece. Okay, youll take the leftover scraps, just give you something! Kind of book!” The Insane Ramblings of a Crazed Writer, Book Review BlogWarning: this work contains strong language and violence.
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