where can I download Claimed Angels and Demons: Book One by Ava Blake (Goodreads Author) txt online

where can I download Claimed Angels and Demons: Book One by Ava Blake (Goodreads Author) txt online

where can I download Claimed Angels and Demons: Book One by Ava Blake (Goodreads Author) txt online

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Book description
Choosing love means risking death and damnationTwo thousand years ago, the Archangel Gabriel gave up his position in Heaven to be with the human woman that he had fallen in love with. Only she was killed before he could make her immortal. He thought he had moved past her death, until he stumbles upon a powerful young witch that looks identical to his lost love. He has to know who she is, and why she looks the way she does, and he will break the rules of Heaven to find out. But falling in love with another human is not an option for Gabriel, it cost him too much the first time.Layla is a poor college student with a traumatic family past that she’s trying to leave behind. But a phone call from a stranger looking for her missing mother leads Layla to a dangerous supernatural world she never knew existed, and powers inherited from her mother that she never knew she had. But her powers may be a curse instead of a blessing, and the gorgeous mystery man that she falls for turns out to be something much more than just a man, and someone that she should be running away from, not getting closer to.If Layla wants to live, she will have to stop running from her past and finally discover who, and what, she really is, before the angels or the evil things lurking in the shadows lay claim to her soul.
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