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John Warwick Montgomery is a noted lawyer, professor, Lutheran theologian, and prolific author living in France. In 2007 he was named Distinguished Research Professor of Philosophy and Christian Thought at Patrick Henry College. He continues to work as a barrister specializing in religious freedom cases in international Human Rights law.He is chiefly noted for his major contributions as a writer, lecturer and public debater in the field of Christian apologetics.Since 2007 he is Emeritus Professor at University of Bedfordshire, England, where from 1995–2007 he held a full professorship in law and humanities. He is the director of the International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism & Human Rights, Strasbourg, France, and is the editor of the theological e-zine Global Journal of Classical Theology.Montgomery is a scholarly maverick who has 11 earned degrees in multiple disciplines: philosophy, librarianship, theology, and law. His degrees include: the A.B. with distinction in Philosophy (Cornell University; Phi Beta Kappa), B.L.S. and M.A. (University of California, Berkeley), B.D. and S.T.M. (Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio), LL.B. (La Salle Extension University), M. Phil. in Law (University of Essex, England), Ph.D. (University of Chicago), Th.D. Doctorat dUniversite (University of Strasbourg), LLM and LLD in canon law (Cardiff University). He also holds an honorary doctorate awarded in 1999 by the Institute for Religion and Law, Moscow.Montgomery is author of over 235 works, including over one hundred scholarly journal articles and more than fifty books in eight languages.
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