where can I download Capture by June Gray (Goodreads Author) apple portable book pocket writer

where can I download Capture by June Gray (Goodreads Author) apple portable book pocket writer

where can I download Capture by June Gray (Goodreads Author) apple portable book pocket writer

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Book description

Book description
The future beckons...Elsie has given Henry three chances to win back her trust, but before he is able to complete the challenge, she finds herself faced with a life-changing decision. Elsie must ask herself an important question: is Henry just a thing of the past or does he have a place in her future?The conclusion to the story of Henry and Elsie.~CAPTURE is a 21,000 word erotic romance novelette. FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY PLEASE.The DISARM Series: DISARM (now available) BESIEGE (now available) RETREAT (now available) The Henry Sessions (now available) ENGAGE (now available) CAPTURE (now available)
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