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where can I download Blame It on Your Past Lives: Personal Problems & Supernatural Solutions by Tara Sutphen sale price value ios online

where can I download Blame It on Your Past Lives: Personal Problems & Supernatural Solutions by Tara Sutphen sale price value

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Book description
Your Past Lives Are Often Responsible For Your Present Problems.Tara Sutphen has developed automatic writing into an art. With the assistance of her spirit guide Abenda, she answers questions of troubled seekers who wrie to her for help. After many years of spirit contact, she can point to an astounding track record of proven accuracy.In Blame It On Your Past Lives, she shares real letters from troubled people and the spirit-world responses relating present-day suffering to a past-life cause. To obtain the information, Abenda calls in other spirit guides or the deceased loved ones or friends of the person seeking awareness.Among the replies, you will find inspiration and wisdom that can be applied to your own situation. Some will make you smile, many will bring tears to your eyes. The communications will help you better understand the long-term karmic effects of your own words and deeds, while providing hope for resolving your own problems through expanded and spiritual awareness.Tara also provides advice and detailed instructions on how to do automatic writing using her powerful techniques.
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