where can I download Beyond the Wall by Ambrose Bierce read mobi on ipad

where can I download Beyond the Wall by Ambrose Bierce read mobi on ipad

where can I download Beyond the Wall by Ambrose Bierce read mobi on ipad

> READ BOOK > Beyond the Wall

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Book description

Book description
Sarah John Period 4 In the story, Beyond The Wall by Ambrose Bierce, the story takes place in California and it starts off about a man named Mohun Dampier. Dampier is the main characters friend that she was visiting after not seeing him for a long time. She described him as a handsome, wealthy, and unselfish person. When she finally met up with him after all of these years, she became disappointed with what has happened to him. The main character feels as if her friend Dampier is going through a downhill path and she doesn’t like the outcome of how he has changed. She says, “how deeply his prescience of death affected me”. Dampier has a neighbor who taps on his wall everyday to get his attention and he falls in love with her. Dampier becomes desperate when trying to find out what happened to the tapping noises once they stopped. My book did not entertain me as I thought it would have because I think it was too short of a story. At the end of the story I was in a bit of a shock to the way his life became how it became. I wish the author should have put the reason why Dampier was like that in the beginning of the story because throughout the story, I was wondering what happened to him. Overall, I would suggest this story to others because the book told about a story of someone who was not in a good situation and how they overcame it. After reading this book, I will maybe read an actual book instead of a short story because short stories aren’t as interesting as I thought they would be. Choosing a specific genre from a book or short story would make me more interested in reading the story.
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