where can I download Already Home by Vicki Lewis Thompson (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

where can I download Already Home by Vicki Lewis Thompson (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

where can I download Already Home by Vicki Lewis Thompson (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

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Book description

Book description
A good, short story. After reading the reviews on this short story, I had to read it because of all the complaints about it being rushed, etc. Of course it was rushed, its a short story! Already Home was a good read. Short and sweet---A tale about two people (Hutch and Trina) who have been hot for each other for some time, and when they get a chance to reunite, the sparks fly. The characters are likable and I couldnt wait to see how it was going to end. I wasnt disappointed. It was well-written with proper grammar, and I didnt find one typo.Entertaining! Four stars!
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