where can I download A Casual Thing by Annabelle Jacobs (Goodreads Author) page english kindle book doc

where can I download A Casual Thing by Annabelle Jacobs (Goodreads Author) page english kindle book doc

where can I download A Casual Thing by Annabelle Jacobs (Goodreads Author) page english kindle book doc

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Book description
Patrick Mason travels to Bristol to spend the summer with his brother, Ben. He’s cat sitting for the first two weeks while Ben goes on holiday. But Ben neglected to tell him he wouldn’t be doing it alone. Will Adams—Ben’s mate and Patrick’s long-time crush—is staying in Ben’s guest room while he waits to move into his new house after a breakup.Against his better judgment, Patrick convinces Will that a little no-strings fun is just what they need. Patrick doesn’t want to get involved with a guy on the rebound, and Will isn’t interested in starting something serious with a student. But Patrick’s never been good at separating sex from feelings, and this time is no exception. As their weeks together draw to a close, they need to decide if they have something worth pursuing or if it’s really just a casual thing.
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