when to buy a pushchair when pregnant

when to buy a pushchair when pregnant

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When To Buy A Pushchair When Pregnant


Before you buy a car seat, stroller, or crib, check out our real-mom advice on buying baby gear."I made a list of all the things I'll need right after the baby arrives. I'll wait on stuff we won't need right away, like a highchair, feeding supplies, and an activity saucer. I'll try to find those used or on sale later.""Check for safety recalls on all of your baby purchases, especially stuff you get as hand-me-downs.""When you open the baby gear boxes, check that all the pieces are there. Keep your receipts, warranties, and product instructions, and send in the product registration card.""When looking for strollers, make sure they lock when folded and that the locking mechanisms look sturdy. A piece of my stroller broke and it won't stay folded. It's really a pain.""Make sure your car seat fits in your backseat. Some fit awkwardly in smaller cars. If you regularly use more than one car, get an extra car seat base so you can easily transfer the car seat from vehicle to vehicle.""Always compare prices online!

A stroller that sells for $199 at one store can go for twice as much at another.""Different cribs have different heights. It's nice to shop for cribs in person to check and see how easy or hard it will be to get the baby out – especially if you're short!""If you're planning on having more than one child, buy items that will last. A high-quality highchair can work through toddlerhood.""Don't be seduced by a beautiful products that aren't easy to clean.""You don't need a fancy travel system (a car seat that fits into a coordinating stroller). You'll spend a lot of money for an oversized stroller you'll rarely use. Instead, buy an inexpensive stroller frame to snap your car seat in to.""Don't underestimate the importance of parent cup holders. Often when you're out with the stroller you'll have a drink with you, and it's difficult to push the stroller with one hand. Also, make sure you can reach into the stroller basket when the stroller is reclined.""Just because a stroller claims to do a million different things doesn't mean you'll be able to figure how to do them all when you're sleep-deprived.

Sometimes basic is better!""Talk to other parents who have new babies and get their recommendations. Equipment changes so often that advice from parents of older kids might already be out of date. We would have been lost if we had gone into a store without advice from our friends.""The weight of the stroller matters, especially when your baby doesn't want to sit in it and you need to push with one hand and carry your child with the other.""Have your partner test out strollers, too. If your husband is tall (mine is 6 feet, 4 inches), make sure the stroller is a good height for him.""Every first-time mommy-to-be should ask her friends with children this question: What's the one item you can't live without? Then ask: What's the one item you have that you never use?""We bought the kind of highchair that straps onto a regular dining chair. It saves space, and now that our daughter is bigger, we simply remove the tray and push her right up to the table so she can eat with the rest of the family.""

Buy a convertible crib — one that converts from a baby crib to a toddler bed. You'll get so much more use out of it!""Visit a website that has trustworthy customer reviews before you buy. I was going to buy a door swing and found out that it was actually unsafe.""Ask for hand-me-downs and buy used. That way you'll be able to splurge on a few things that will really be worth it. We bought a nice jogging stroller to use on the hills by our house and a high-quality electric breast pump for when I went back to work."For a list of all the products you may want for your baby's first year, and estimates of how much you'll spend on each, see our Baby Costs Calculator. What is the difference between a pushchair and a buggy, stroller, or pram? Pushchairs: the main categories What features should we look out for? Any other pushchair-buying tips? Deciding how to get out and about with your new baby is one of the most important decisions new parents make. But it can be one of the most confusing, too.

Retailers make choosing transport for your baby extra baffling by using terms such as pushchair and stroller interchangeably. However, there are slight differences between the different models: A pushchair is relatively sturdy in comparison to a stroller. You should be able to recline the seat fully and have it either forward-facing or parent-facing. It's usually suitable for both newborns and older babies, and can often fold flat. A pram is designed to carry newborns and younger babies, usually while they're lying down. It's sturdy and generally can't be folded flat. A stroller is lightweight and collapsible, ideal for older babies. A buggy can be a pushchair or a stroller, depending on who you ask! Before starting to look at pushchairs, think about your lifestyle and if possible, your longer-term plans. This will help you to narrow down your choice. There are several types of pushchair to pick from: three-in-one or two-in-one pushchairs, which include a carrycotall-terrain pushchairs / "three wheelers"travel systems, which include a car seatdouble or tandem pushchairs

Three-in-one, or two-in-one pushchairs Pushchairs are suitable for newborns and usually have a seat that can face either towards or away from you. They often have handy features, such as swivel wheels or enclosed carrycots. They can also fold up so that they fit into the car boot. However, they are expensive and can be bulky and heavy. All-terrain pushchairs are ideally suited to the great outdoors. They usually have three, chunky wheels and good suspension for a smooth ride across bumpy ground. They are often larger than standard pushchairs and may not fit in all car boots. Travel systems have a pushchair chassis and usually come with a carrycot and car seat attachment. This means that all of your baby's travel needs are met with one pushchair. Although useful, your baby may quickly outgrow this type of pushchair. Double or tandem pushchairs If you have an older baby, or are expecting twins, this type of pushchair is great for getting your whole family out and about.

But check the size of the pushchair - some may not fit into shops easily and can be difficult to push. Although pushchairs are better suited for younger children than buggies, not all pushchairs are suitable for a newborn. This is because some varieties do not have a flat backrest. When looking at pushchairs, check whether the backrest can be adjusted. It needs to be able to lie completely flat for a newborn. Travel systems may have an attachable carrycot or car seat that can be used while your baby is still very young. Can I change the direction the pushchair faces? While your baby is a newborn, you will probably prefer to have him facing you rather than the big wide world. This way, you can make plenty of eye contact with your baby, and you can also reassure yourself that he is comfortable and happy. If you want a pushchair that will last you for a long time, check to see if it has a reversible seat. This means that when your baby is older and wants to look around, you can change the seat so that he faces away from you.

Does it offer your baby a smooth ride? While you may be tempted to go for a lightweight pushchair, consider whether it will still give your baby a comfortable ride. This is particularly important while your baby is a newborn - you won't want him jolted around. If you are active, and want to go off-road with your pushchair, a smooth ride may be more easily achieved with an all-terrain model. These chairs usually have three thick wheels, and better suspension, so that your baby gets a smoother ride. Is it easy to fold and use? Think about your lifestyle. If you use public transport, think about whether you'll be able to get your pushchair on and off a bus or train easily. If you have a car, check that the pushchair fits into your boot. This point is particularly important if you are eying up an all-terrain pushchair or a travel system. These types of pushchair are often bulkier than standard pushchairs and don't fold up as neatly. Is it easy to move? If you're still pregnant, it can be hard to get a feel for a pushchair.

If you have a friend with a baby, ask her if she'll go shopping with you and let you try a pushchair with her baby on board. Try pushing the pushchair with just one hand, too. This will come in handy when you have to juggle a phone or shopping while pushing your baby. Check if the handles are adjustable, too. This will make it more comfortable for you. Also think about where you will be using the pushchair. If you will be going in and out of busy shops, you will need a chair that is easy to move through aisles. This is where an all-terrain model or travel system may struggle. It can be handy to dump shopping in your baby's pushchair, so check out how much storage room there is. Make sure the shopping is easy to get out, too! Does it come with accessories? When you buy a pushchair, check that everything is included. Some models sell the chassis and seat separately. You may also have to buy a rainsheet or hood for the pushchair. It is worth bearing this in mind if you need to keep to a budget.

How long will it last? If you want to invest in a pushchair that will last your baby for a long time, it may be worth buying one with a reversible seat and a flexible backrest. If you are interested in a travel system, think carefully about how long you will want to use it for. Some of the components, such as the car seat, will be outgrown by the time your baby is one year old. How safe is it? All pushchairs go through rigorous testing, so all of the ones on sale in the UK will be safe for you and your baby. But it is still worth checking things such as the brakes and the safety harness. Find out more about pushchair safety. Consider buying sooner rather than later. If you're pregnant, your spatial awareness may change as your bump expands. This can affect how well you think a pushchair manoeuvres.Check out the sales. Fashions change quickly, and you can benefit! You can often get last season's colours and designs for a bargain.Think about the seasons. When it gets to summer, you may want to take your baby to the beach, so think about whether you want to use the pushchair on sand.

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