what is the best make of mattresses

what is the best make of mattresses

what is the best make of mattress to buy

What Is The Best Make Of Mattresses


Today I’m tackling the million-dollar question, what is the best mattress for sex? For this guide, we’re going to look at the major criteria that make a mattress better or worse for sex. Some factors may not be that important to you, while others may be absolutely critical. We’ll be breaking down each mattress based on these criteria so you can find the best mattress for sex. Bear in mind, we’re not going to talk much about sleep in this analysis. You should definitely consider how a mattress feels and sleeps in addition to how it performs for sex. Check out our full mattress review series for more on that. If you’d rather skip the intro section and just get into the top mattress choices, feel free to jump down to the bottom. With that brief intro out of the way, let’s dive in! A mattress response time means how fast it adjusts to your body as you move around. Mattresses with slower response times can feel like having sex in quick sand. An ideal mattress for sex will rapidly adjust to your change in movement and positions so you are well supported on a stable surface.

The bounce of a mattress relates to the feel when it’s being compressed. A mattress with good bounce will rebound, as opposed to simply absorbing your impact. During sex, this can help to create a consistent rhythm that works with you and not against. Let’s face it, sometimes you need a certain degree of discretion. Some mattresses can be extremely loud during sex, drawing unwanted attention. An ideal mattress for sex will help to keep the noise to a minimum. The overall durability of the mattress will surely be put to the test during sex. A good mattress for sex should be able to standup to years of consistent amorous activities. Many sex positions require, or are significantly improved, by a stable and strong edge. Mattress edges that collapse under pressure can make for a less than ideal experience. The best sexy-times mattress will be one that supports pressure and weight directly on the edge of the mattress. And lastly, we have comfort. If the mattress creates pressure points on your body during sex it can limit your desire and amount of time you actually want to be there.

The ideal mattress for sex will be one that doesn’t create pressure points in any position. Below I have listed my favorite and best mattresses for sex. I’ll continue to update this list as I test and review new mattresses. Have a mattress you think should be added or tested? Drop me a note here. Down at the bottom we have all of our favorite mattresses for sex compared to each other in a table. The Leesa is one of my favorite mattresses when it comes to both sleep and sex. This mattress has a nice balanced touch in almost every area. Both the responsiveness and bounce are quite good, making for an enjoyable experience. The only area of weakness is the edge support, which is tough on most any foam mattress.However, it does a great job everywhere else. Read our full Leesa Mattress review here. Brooklyn Bedding uses 4″ of latex foam to deliver great bounce and push back. This push back helps improve sex enjoyment on the mattress, as it behaves similar to how an innerspring would in this regard (however, not quite at the same level as an innerspring).

Slightly better than average edge support makes the Brooklyn Bedding a good all around option for both sex and sleep alike. Read our full Brooklyn Bedding mattress review here. The Alexander Hybrid mattress is one of Nest Bedding’s most luxury level mattresses. Build from a high-end zoned coil system and topped with layers of memory foam and a thick quilted cover, the Alexander Hybrid creates a beautiful combination of great bounce, edge support, and comfort. The Alexander Hybrid has a quality and performance level that would put it in the $3-4K range in-stores, making it a steal at $999 for a Queen. Read our full Nest Bedding Alexander Hybrid mattress review here. The Purple mattress is built from 3 layers of foam and gel polymer. The gel polymer is really what makes the Purple unique. This patented hyper elastic polymer creates impressive cooling, bounce, and instantaneous response. A leaner 9.5″ profile gives it a clean and modern aesthetic in any room. This mattress is a great choice for sleepers who want the added bounce / response, but don’t want coils.

Read our full Purple mattress review here. The Saatva stands among a small group of online mattresses that are still constructed from traditional innersprings. That said, the Saatva isn’t just your ordinary innerspring mattress. Its coil-on-coil construction results in great support, durability, and impressive bounce. Additionally, Saatva’s euro-style pillow top has a delightful feel that adds softness and comfort without sacrificing aesthetic appeal or bounce factor. Read our full Saatva Mattress review here. The WinkBed mattress is a hybrid mattress built with coil-on-coil innerspring construction and high-quality foam. The innerspring core results in exceptional bounce and strong edges, both important factors for bedroom activities. Truly a luxury mattress build, the WinkBed is on par with other high-quality innerspring mattresses. You could expect to pay $3,000+ for this mattress in a retail store. Read our full WinkBed mattress review here. The Loom & Leaf is a luxury foam mattress designed for maximum comfort and cooling.

That said, it still performs strongly for amorous activities. Despite the multiple layers of memory foam, it has good bounce and is responsive. The L&L is one of my personal favorites. It’s a great all around mattress that can be enjoyed by most sleepers and lovers alike. Read our full Loom & Leaf Mattress review here. The Helix mattress is the only customizable mattress on this list. The Helix can be both very good or very average for sex. Since it’s customizable, your specifications, needs, and desires will dramatically influence how the mattress actually performs in your bedroom. The layers used in the Helix, notably latex and microcoils, help to solidify bounce and response. Read our full Helix mattress review here. Mattresses are judged on the above 6 criteria and are given 1 of 3 ratings.From cleaning to prevention, a little care and maintenance can go a long way in keeping your mattress in good shape for years to come. Once you've invested in a good mattress, chances are you expect it to provide comfortable sleep on it for many years.

The average mattress is designed to last anywhere from five to ten years or more, though how it is maintained can shorten or lengthen your bed's lifespan. Being aware of environmental factors and knowing the best ways to care for a bed can help you keep your mattress clean, healthy and providing comfortable sleep as long as possible. We've put together ten of the best ways to protect your investment by caring for the mattress and preventing disasters before they occur. While you may not always need to purchase the matching box spring or foundation with a new mattress, it is essential to make sure your mattress does have the right kind of support. This helps preserve the integrity of materials and prevent early wear. Check with the manufacturer or look at the warranty policy for recommendations. Box springs are generally used only with spring mattresses, while memory foam and other specialty mattresses usually require firm, solid support. Beds that use a frame should be designed to support the weight of sleepers and the mattress, and queens and kings should have center support bars.

Platform beds with wide slats may need extra support depending on mattress type and weight. It's a smart idea to check on your bed's support every year or so to make sure there are no broken slats or springs that could affect your mattress. We've covered the benefits of mattress protectors before, and they are one of the best and simplest ways to protect your bed's longevity. A good, quality mattress protector offers waterproof protection to guard against spills and accidents, and they also reduce the amount of dust, debris and dirt that make it into your bed. This helps protect the materials inside your bed from damage, keeps skin oils and sweat off the bed and reduces build up of allergens like mold and dust mites. A protector also makes cleanups a snap when accidents do happen, and many newer types feel just as comfortable as a fitted sheet. When you sleep, you shed sweat, oils, hair and skin cells. Eating in bed also leaves behind crumbs, and pets can track in all sorts of things.

In addition to getting yucky, all of this can get into mattress layers, breeding bacteria and encouraging dust mites. Bed sheets and blankets should ideally be washed every week to every two weeks according to most cleaning experts. Even when using a mattress protector, it's still important to keep linens clean. The mattress protector should also be washed occasionally according to a manufacturer's directions. Speaking of stuff in your sheets, it is better to give pets their own designated beds rather than letting them cuddle up on your mattress. Even well groomed pets walk outside, drool and shed hair and cells just like people, and all that winds up in your bed. Pets also can have the occasional accident, which can all but ruin an otherwise good mattress. Every type of mattress benefits from being rotated regularly, no matter the material or the size. Some manufacturers say it is not necessary, but rotating helps promote more even wear, while not rotating makes depressions and softening more likely.

Every two to six months rotate the mattress 180 degrees from head to foot. This is particularly important the first couple of years as you are breaking in the mattress. Your mother always told you not to jump on the bed, and she wasn't wrong. Spring, water and air beds may be most prone to damage with rough wear, but foundations, frames and even foams can all wear down more quickly if you are hard on the mattress. When you move, protect your mattress from damage by encasing it in plastic and avoiding bending or folding. Moving and box stores often carry heavy-duty mattress bags that can be secured with tape to keep dirt and water off the bed, and these also prevent scuffs and scratches. Generally when moving a mattress, it's also best to keep them upright on their sides so they don't crease or sag in transit. For covers with handles, manufacturers typically suggest not using them to move or drag the mattress. Bedbugs are one of the fastest ways to ruin a mattress, as they can be difficult to get rid of once they infiltrate.

When sleeping away from home, always inspect the bed from signs of bed bugs and try to keep luggage off the floor. If you suspect bedbugs, Texas A&M University has a few tips for preventing bringing them back home. In apartments or areas of the country where these critters are common, consider using a bedbug-proof mattress encasement. These differ from mattress protectors as they have impenetrable zippers and cover the bed on all sides to prevent bugs from making their home in your mattress. Every month or two when you have a sunny and dry day, strip your mattress and let the sunlight in to air out the bed for several hours (though if bedbugs are possible, leave the cover on). This helps prevent excess moisture both from sleepers and humidity, and may also help keep dust mite populations in check according to Kingston University study. Every type of mattress should be cleaned regularly to keep your sleep environment clean and keep your mattress healthy. Many manufacturers will include directions for stain removal and general cleaning, but most beds should be vacuumed with a hose attachment to remove surface dust.

Stains can be spot treated with a mild water and soap solution, but allow them to completely dry before making the bed. Avoid using harsh chemical cleaners on foams as they can break down foam integrity. Depending on dust levels, allergies, or personal preference, vacuuming should be done every 1 to 3 months and stains spot-treated as necessary. Although different types and brands of mattresses can differ somewhat in care and maintenance, the basics are the same. Essentially, keep the bed clean, protect it from accidents and damage, ensure it's supported, and rotate for even wear. Mattress lifespan depends on many factors, but following these best practices can help ensure that you enjoy years of healthy sleep and that your investment lasts as long as possible. This article originally appeared on the Amerisleep blog. Rosie Osmun is the Creative Content Manager at Amerisleep, a progressive memory foam mattress brand focused on eco-friendly sleep solutions. Rosie writes more posts on the Amerisleep blog about the science of sleep, eco-friendly living, leading a healthy lifestyle and more.

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