what is the best full size mattress for a toddler

what is the best full size mattress for a toddler

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What Is The Best Full Size Mattress For A Toddler


When it comes to mattress selection, size matters more than you may know. Think you and your spouse can get a full night’s sleep on a full-size mattress? We don’t recommend it, and here’s why: Healthy sleepers move throughout the night—sometimes a lot. Without room to roam, we bump into our sleep partner, wake up more frequently, struggle to relax and just don’t sleep as well as we could. Need more reason to reconsider why size matters? Check out our top-10 list of size-centric tips to mull over as you consider the best dimensions for you. 1. The number one mistake people make when shopping for a mattress? Buying one that’s too small. A common purchase regret couples have is not upgrading to a king size. As a healthy sleeper, you move anywhere from 40-60 times a night, including a dozen full body turns. Healthy sleepers spend an average of a third of the day in bed, so make sure you’re spending that time comfortably. 2. When choosing a new mattress, it’s smart to consider who will be sleeping on it in the next five to eight years.

Are you recently engaged or expecting a child? Soon you’ll need more room (a cuddly, sprawling toddler can take up a third of the bed alone, not to mention the real estate your spouse will require), so it’s a good idea to prepare your sleep space ahead of time. 3. The height and weight of those using the bed are also factors to consider when making a mattress purchase. Want to know if a mattress is going to be wide enough? Try this test: Lie down on your back and put your elbows behind your head. Do your elbows touch your partner or stretch past the edge of the mattress? You probably need a bigger size. 4. Now for the height test. A good mattress fit should give you at least six inches of space at the foot of the bed. If you or your spouse is over 6’6” tall, a California King is probably the best option for you. 5. It’s been shown that couples who sleep in cramped quarters feel less rested in the morning. (If you’ve ever been awoken by an errant arm or a soccer-playing sleeper, it’s easy to imagine why this may be true.)

6. Couples typically gravitate toward queen-size mattresses, but we suggest choosing the largest size your bedroom can accommodate. Surprisingly, at 60 inches wide, a queen bed offers each sleeper nine inches less space than if they were sleeping alone on a twin. 7. Full-size mattresses are best for solo sleepers. At 53 inches wide, a shared full size would leave only 26.5 inches for each sleeper—the same width as a crib. 8. Twin beds are a good option for space-constrained guest rooms. A twin bed can also be a good starter bed for a child, keeping in mind that a full-size or larger will be a better match once they enter their double-digit years. When shopping for your child, consider what their height and weight will be three to five years from the time of your purchase. 9. Mattress thickness doesn’t matter as much as having space to sprawl. But studies do note that thinner mattresses lose support and wear out more quickly than those that are more substantial. So be sure to keep mattress construction in mind, in addition to size, when selecting your ideal model.

10. Consumers who spent more than 15 minutes choosing their new mattress were more satisfied than those who spent less. So whether you’re researching online or rest-testing in store, be sure to take your time, weigh your options and choose the best mattress match (taking into account size, construction, comfort and support) for you and your lifestyle.Once your baby is old enough to transition out of a crib and into a big kid bed, you’ll have the exciting task of trying to choose between our extensive collection of beds and mattresses. Pottery Barn Kids is proud to provide almost every type of bed imaginable beginning with our canopy beds. Children love canopy beds because it makes them feel like they are sleeping in a tent. You can opt for the bed with the canopy frame and decorate it with your own canopy sheers, or go with the unit that comes with a full fabric canopy that is designed to keep the light out for a peaceful night’s sleep.Should your child’s bedroom be a bit on the small side, you’ll want to take advantage of the beds that come with additional storage.

There are beds that features two large drawers that have beautiful brushed nickel drawer pulls, beds with three medium drawers that are adorned with pulls made of zinc with a brass finish, as well as beds with four smaller drawers that have classic iron pulls for a more industrial look. The drawers are perfect for holding everything from socks to board games.Kids who enjoy having cousins or friends sleepover on a regular basis will get the most out of our daybeds that have a trundle bed underneath. The beds are multi-functional since they serve as a bed during the night and transform into a seating area during the day. Then there’s the bed that is neatly hidden underneath that pulls out to accommodate a guest. There are daybeds with a more simple design, as well as daybeds with a little more sophistication, which is a better choice for older kids.When shopping for younger children, the specialty beds are sure to catch your eye. What little boy wouldn’t fall in love with a Batmobile bed, or the Star Wars™ bed that is created in the shape of the Millennium Falcon’s cockpit.

There’s a vintage cruiser and a speedboat for children who enjoy spending time out at a sea. Does your family go camping frequently? If so, your little one may want the platform bed with tent canopy. As an added bonus, this unit also comes with a trundle bed. Finally, little girls will squeal with delight at the playhouse loft bed. During they day, your daughter can host a tea party with her stuffed animals inside the playhouse. At night she can climb up to the top and sleep on the second floor loft.Another option is to select one of our beds that comes with a headboard. The advantage to these kids beds is that they are able to be personalized. Choose one letter you’d like to place on the headboard, such as a first initial or the beginning letter of a nickname, and it will be added to the center of the bed. Each letter stands 7" tall. The headboards come in a variety of shapes as well, so you can go with a rectangular board, scalloped board or a tufted headboard.Parents who have two children who need to share a bedroom will love the bunk bed options.

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