what is the best cat bed

what is the best cat bed

what is the best cat bed to get

What Is The Best Cat Bed


About Best Sellers in Cat Beds & Furniture These lists, updated hourly, contain bestselling items. Here you can discover the best Cat Beds & Furniture in Amazon Best Sellers, and find the top 100 most popular Amazon Cat Beds & Furniture.Let’s just get to the point.  This is the best cat bed/cat cave ever. I don’t usually proclaim things “the best” but we’ve never had a cat bed that’s performed this well with all of our cats.  Every single one immediately went to sleep in this bed, as well as lounged and wrestled for it.  We only have one bed, and I think I need 3 now because there’s a waiting line outside of it.  I feel like one cat will stay in there for as long as they can until they either have to eat, or another cat tries to be brave and fight them for it. I wanted to share this bed with you, because if you have a cat you love, you’ve probably bought them a bed or a toy that you thought was going to be a hit but instead was a failure.  I remember for Christmas one year I surprised Essy with a tunnel that I thought I would get the World’s Best Cat Mom award from her, but after I unwrapped it in front of her, she just stared at it.  

She went into it once.  And that once I’m pretty sure was just for a photo op because she felt bad for me.  And then there’s the toys.  You’re in the pet store and there’s that zebra rattle toy that guarantees your cats will play for it for hours and it will raise their intelligence.  It’s like Baby Einstein for Cats! You get it because you’re a great parent who wants to educate your cats.  Your cats hate it.  Instead they play with the cardboard packaging it came in. The same goes for beds.  We have more beds then I can count in our house. We have more beds than cats, let’s just say that.  But yet, the only ones that get used is this new cat bed and a heated cabin that Brother doesn’t let anyone else use.  I’ve never seen cats react more lovingly towards a bed.  They honestly look comfy.  Happy cats equals a happy home.   So yeah, best cat bed ever. Toes loves this bed almost more than food. When we opened the bed up there was 3 different cats in it within 15 minutes.  

They were all in love. Plus I was a smiling Mom. Xanadu is a Siamese, which means she thinks she is Queen.  She “asked” Toes to get out. Eventually Goblin got his time in the bed. And I probably shouldn’t just call it a cat bed, because technically it’s name is ComfyCat Cave.  It’s a cave they can crawl into (our cats all love this) but you can also push down the top and then make it into a bed with no roof (again, total hit with the cats).  Sometimes a cat will be in the cave and then another cat (usually Goblin or Toes) will jump on top of the cave, squashing the cat inside, making the cat run out of it, and then Goblin or Toes will lie down on the now bed.   Brother Bear loves it. He will wrestle anyone for it.  He will also win 100% of the time. (This is a photo from their website.  This is not Brother  Bear.  It’s a Brother Bear impersonator apparently). Goblin and his tail very much enjoy this. From 8PM-11PM Goblin will dive into this at full speed approximately 16 times.

The ComfyCat Cave from CatGeeks is made from  100% New Zealand Merino Sheep’s wool that is world-renowned for its softness.  We’ve had a fair amount of Wrestlemania sessions on this and I can tell you that it holds up with no ripes, holes or damage done. The wool is highly resistant to dirt, although cat hair will get attached to it, especially if you have super furry cats (hey Goblin).  It’s natural insulating so it keeps them warm in the Winter and cool in the Summer. The cave is big too.  It can fit a cat up to 20 pounds, or multiple cats if your cats like to share.  We have 2 Maine Coon cats and there’s plenty of extra room inside for them. Side note: As I’m writing this Toes just went to eat her dinner and immediately FiFi Bofinkles stepped into the bed.  By the end of the night, every single cat will have sat in there. The bed is more on the slight pricey side of beds, but I wouldn’t lie to other cat parents that this is a game changer when it comes to cat beds.  

Your cats will love it, and it will last for years.  Plus if you don’t really love those leopard printed or hot pink Princess style cat beds, this is actually stylish and will fit into a modern decor home.  It’s always hard to find to cat beds that actually look nice and modern.  Friends have already complimented how sleek it is.    If you’re interested, you can find it on Amazon. Hope you guys enjoyed this review as much as our cats enjoy the ComfyCat Cave.  I only share cat products that we really love so I was excited to share this one with you!  If you decide to get one, I’d love for you to snap a photo of your cat child in it for  me! Pamela and Xanadu and FiFi Bofinkles and Brother Bear and Goblin and Toes About Best Sellers in Cat BedsHere you can discover the best Cat Beds in Amazon Best Sellers, and find the top 100 most popular Amazon Cat Beds.Picking the Best Bed for Your Cat Written by: Karen Commings Read by: 7,178 pet lovers Cats are creatures of comfort and likely to seek out the warmest, coziest places to catnap, but the place your cat chooses to catch some winks may not be your first choice.

A recent pet-owner survey conducted by the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine found that 60 percent of pets sleep in bed with a family member. If you would like to give your cat a special bed instead of, or in addition to your own, you'll find many styles from which to choose.Cup-Style BedsKitty cups really appeal to cats. The circular design follows the natural contour of a cat's curled up sleeping position and helps him retain body heat. Most cup beds are made of plush fabric. Cup beds come in a variety of sizes, and some have hoods. They can be placed wherever your cat likes to sleep.PadsPads are simply flat pieces of fabric, some stuffed, that lie on a chair or sofa cushion. The makers of some pads claim that their products are electro-statically charged to capture dander and hair. Some are made from fake fur or sheepskin and may be washable.Pads made for your cat are more esthetically pleasing, but, just placing a towel or blanket over a chair will attract your cat and prevent hair from being deposited on your furniture.

Heated BedsHeated beds come in a variety of styles and have a heating unit that fits inside a protective outer covering. They are pre-set to maintain an even temperature and may be beneficial if your cat sleeps in a colder location in your home or if he suffers from arthritis.Mini-FurnitureFurniture cat beds come in styles that complement your decor. Bunk beds, hammocks, chaise lounges, stuffed sofas and chairs are just some of the styles that are available. While these types of beds are comfortable for cats, they are designed mostly to appeal to humans.Window PerchesA window perch attaches to the windowsill so your cat can snooze or leisurely watch the world go by. Window perches are either firm or soft. If your cat enjoys sleeping in the sun, installing a perch in a sunny window may be just the ticket for his comfort.Cat TreesYou can save hair from being deposited on your furniture and keep your cat from clawing it at the same time by buying a multi-level cat tree on which your cat can sleep and scratch.

Trees that have wood and sisal to claw and carpeted levels on which to sleep are most appealing to cats.What To Look ForCats sleep for sixteen to eighteen hours a day, so a cat bed can become covered with hair quickly if your cat enjoys sleeping in it. Many beds come with removable covers that are washable. Other types of beds can be thrown in the washer as is.If you've opted to buy your cat a heated bed, make sure the heating unit is approved by the Underwriter's Laboratory, the independent, not-for-profit electrical products safety testing and certification organization. Also, make certain the protective cover cannot bepunctured by your cat's claws.If the bed is a mini piece of furniture, make sure that it is sturdy and won't collapse when your cat gets into it. Examine it to determine if there are places on it that might trap your cat or in which your cat could get stuck. A more adventuresome cat could stick his head through wooden slats on a bed's headboard, for example, and be unable to pull his head back through.

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