Welcome to One Two Three Infinity

Welcome to One Two Three Infinity

I designed this. I see it as a zero transforming to become infinity. (Absurd, ain't it?)

I got the idea an afternoon when (I was bored.) So I decided to realize it and see for how long I can keep it running (as though it is me who will be running it.)

It started from 1, on April 13th at 1:29AM. The first number actually slipped out to the channel while I was still testing the bot. 2 came after it. And then the automation began. It posts a number each hour at minute 9.

26 came prematurely.

May, 10th. It is still active. It fails to post some numbers sometimes. But I configured it for message me (its almighty Creator) if the automation fails so I'd do it manually. I rarely managed to post act at time thought.

I think I pinned the number 404 when we reached but I never saw again. I must check whether it is still pinned. Pinning some special numbers is good idea. But what are special numbers?

I don't have any subscribers yet. The most viewed post is the first with 10 views! But we will get somewhere sometime. If the Lovely Fork guy did it we can do it also.

2018-08-01 22:24: Wasting resources..

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