
Dr. Farid Ahmed Saley (GP)

Short summary by 



Will be good for our health if we can drink it on a regular bases. 

You have multi minerals and very good stuff in here. 

Natural vitamins and minerals .

People with nerve pain

Sciatica/ pinched nerve, constipation, back pain, lower back pain need to increase water consumption to hydrate body. 

Being dehydrated is dangerous to ones health. 

Drink water, it is your lifeblood. 

Forget the sodas and cooldrink. 

Let's hydrate with water. 

Pure Coconut water is rich in minerals. A good choice of a drink. 

Best time to drink water is in the morning. 

If water drank with meals it damages the digestive system. 

Same with water drank after meals, so it's best to drink 20-30 minutes BEFORE meals. 

Body is made up of high levels of water therefore we need to drink sufficient water. It helps to clean and nourish the body parts. 

When we tend to feel hungry it most probably is false hunger . Rather drink a glass of water first. 

When we have mucous problems, wheezing, try drinking more water as it in actual a water deficiency. 

People with swollen feet start drinking more water. 

30 ml per kg of body weight..

So if u 80kg u require 2.4lt water per day. 

Water is extremely valuable as we know from hadith even if making wudhu on river bank use sparingly. 

Never waste water. 

Avoid bought bottled water. 

The plastic contains bisphenol A, a toxic chemical that gets released into the water. 

Try to find out a good source of filtering water. 

Chlorine swimming pools have negative effects on the body and causes fatigue and illness. 

Google natural swimming pools . 

A short summary of "WATER TALK" BY DR. Farid Saley. 

With some of my own added information 


Your guide to good health 


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