


- the reason should u date with me

1. i will try to be the best

2. i'm a good boy (i hope)

3. i will take care of you always

4. i will sow love every day

5. you will have a baby

6. and i can also be a father figure for you

7. won't leave you alone

8. you will always be scolded if you don't obey (marahnya lembut)

9. can always make your day colorful (hopefully)

10. pastinyaa bakal ada yang kangen teruss, bawel terus, spam spamm gajelass, suka ngomel kalo ga di turutin, suka ovt kalo dapet chat singkatt, kadang suka mendem cerita kalo ga disuru ceritaa, but u must to know i really like u awaa

mungkin kita emang belum kenal lama, tapi gatau kenapa dari masalah masalah yang dateng ke kita, itu yg ngebuat aku takut kamu pergi

just say yes or noo

but if u say yes, from now on you become my girlfriend, how? agree?

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