


As I'm sitting here typing this, I'm waiting on my friends to arrive for our dinner gathering.

Which makes me wonder, do we ever wait anymore? Not wait in the sense of anticipating for something to happen but as in just wait (without preoccupying ourselves with other stuff, most notably our phones XD)

Have we reach a point whereby we cannot sit and wait and just do that, not browsing through our Facebook or Instagram, or reading or listening to music, etc?

Sitting and not doing anything I feel is a quintessential quality our ancestors have always had. And not feel the need to fill it up with things to do, stuff to see, articles to read, videos to watch.

Just sit there and be, just waiting without anticipation or the urge to do something.

Have we lost that?

Yes I know, how ironic that as I'm typing this out, I'm living out the exact same thing which I've mentioned above..

But I think, the deeper problem which lies underneath is the urge to always do something could stem from the need to run away, either from reality (the present) / where our minds wander to when we're idle or the need to optimize / make full use of our time.

Abrupt end as my friends arrived XD

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