

Dordor Gallery in Moscow 

Why Dordor Gallery? By focusing on alternative, it gives the Russian art community a long-needed breath of fresh air, becoming a key venue for Moscow underground art. 

Despite the overwhelming amount of promising new projects, the attention of major state galleries is mostly restricted to the classics, the traditional art. Naturally, there is a considerable number of modern art galleries, but strict censorship puts a heavy strain on them, and commercial galleries only work with established artists. As a result, emerging young artists have close to zero chance of holding their own exhibition. 

This is what Dordor Gallery is about: giving these artists' career a starting point. Also, since, compared with their European colleagues, Russian artists have less ways to promote, for them Dordor Gallery becomes not merely an exhibition space, but also an opportunity to speak out and participate in international art life. 

Russian contemporary art is a significant cultural phenomenon that goes regrettably unnoticed by the world art community. Although Russian people are often very talented, they also tend to be very shy. They are incredibly insecure and sometimes susceptible to stereotypes. All this makes it difficult for our artists to find their way, as for them it is a constant struggle with the society moral and their own inherited mindset. 

In New York Russian art also doesn't get the attention it deserves – mostly, I think, due to the inexperience of the artists, gallery owners and curators themselves. Unfortunately, none of them seem to understand the mechanics of this collaboration properly, whereas only when everyone works together towards the same goal will the carriers of one cultural code be able to effectively convey their message to the outer world. 

American art market is a dynamically developing and constantly changing, with a variety of complex internal processes going on. However, this fact is rather advantageous for Russian contemporary art. Don't forget, the moment when modern art enters the sleep state is the best time for something new to enter the market. 

Dordor NYC will be working on the same principles as the gallery in Moscow. This space combines a full-fledged gallery with workshops, art studious and educational programs for everyone. In Moscow, one doesn't just rent our art space for work. Our resident becomes a part of a huge organism, a part of the micro-community, thus shaping it themselves. 

Being our resident means a wide range of opportunities and benefits. For instance, you can arrange a personal exhibition at any Dordor Gallery (Moscow or New York). We are also eager to help with all stages of the production process, promotion, finding curators, etc. In short, our resident benefits from all sorts of useful acquaintances and gains an opportunity to collaborate with other artists. 

Dordor is willing to work with all artists, regardless of their ethnic background or the language they speak. 

Finally, Dordor is not about promoting the Russian national idea. It's simply that, in my opinion, Russian contemporary art is among the most undervalued at the moment, which is why we see our mission in trying to change this. 

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