

(Request)(Pc Games) RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum Full Game 750mb

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tunggu 5 saat dan pilih Server 1 JANGAN pilih Server 2 OKAY!!!!

https://postimg.cc/jW3m3Z2d<-- buleh tgk screenshot ini :)


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scroll bawah sikit... Tunggu 12 saat dan tekan button download warna kuning dan ke next page tekan button download warna biru <-- TGK!!


selamat mendownload~~

About the game:

Rollercoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum! is probably the most deep and complex theme park simulator ever conceived. At the same time it is surprisingly fun and accessible. You will build, manage, and even experience all of the elements that make for a world-class theme park.

Endless possibilities await. You can create your own roller coasters: from gentle flume rides to heart-chilling, gut-busting wild mouse rides that fling you around like dice in a cup. Then add other rides, food stands, and amenities to create the ultimate magical experience for your guests.

Building fun stuff is not the only thing you will do in Rollercoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum! Your theme park needs proper management: you will hire people, juggle incomes and expenses and, most importantly, keep your visitors happy.

Customisation is a big thing in Rollercoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum! Not only you can create your own rollercoasters, you can also set up scenic routes and even make your own firework and laser shows.

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