Встреча с автором доклада "Конфуцианский фашизм - глобальная история"

Встреча с автором доклада "Конфуцианский фашизм - глобальная история"

Books & reviews

Кто живет в Питере и интересуется историей, не поленитесь завтра (06.04.2017) в 18.30 попасть на семинар "Границы истории", в рамках которого доктор Кири Параморе представит свой доклад "Confucian Fascism – A Global History" на основе своей новой книги Japanese Confucianism, изданной в 2016 году Cambridge University Press. В своем докладе автор сфокусируется на взаимосвязи между фашизмом и азиатской традицией Конфуцианства, присущей не только Японии.

Как попасть на семинар? Адрес: Санкт-Петербург, Промышленная ул., д. 17, актовый зал (4-й этаж). Необходима регистрация на мероприятие: iazakharova@hse.ru Язык семинара – английский

Что известно об авторе: Kiri Paramore teaches History and Asian Studies at Leiden. He studied the History of Political Thought at the University of Tokyo, earning his Ph.D. there in 2006. He has been awarded grants and fellowships from the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taipei (2011-12), the Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley (2011), and various universities in Tokyo. Books: Japanese Confucianism: A Cultural History (Cambridge UP, 2016), Ideology and Christianity in Japan (Routledge, 2009), (as editor) Religion and Orientalism in Asian Studies (Bloomsbury, 2016).

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Краткое содержание доклада:

This presentation focuses on the relationship between fascism and the transnational Asian tradition of Confucianism. Confucianism was harnessed by fascist movements in a number of countries throughout East and Southeast Asia during the twentieth century. It was centrally deployed as part of the ideology of Japanese fascism in the 1930s and 40s, not only in Japan proper, but throughout occupied continental Asia. Republic of China ideologues also replicated elements of this ideological employment, as did authoritarian developmentalist regimes in other parts of Asia during the Cold War. This presentation analyzes the links between these different WWII, trans-war, and post-Cold War manifestations of Confucian fascism in modern Asian history, and also touches on their position in mainland Chinese political discourse today. It also explores concrete links between these Asian examples and fascist employments of religious culture in other parts of the world, notably in trans-war France through Action françaiseand its post-war sympathizers’ employment of Catholicism and Christian culture in general.

Histories of fascism too often accept a definition of it based on its own propaganda – notably their claims to cultural particularism, national tradition, and unique patterns of socio-economic development. This presentation rather treats fascism as an inherently global phenomenon which has appeared in nearly every country during industrial high capitalism. It is a global universal, not culturally specific form of politics, and one which often rebrands formerly universalist traditions, for instance Christianity, but also Confucianism, with culturally specific symbolisms of reactionary xenophobia.

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