vitamin to take for gout

vitamin to take for gout

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Vitamin To Take For Gout


This page about the best gout vitamins was last reviewed, or updated, on 27 November 2011Which are the best gout vitamins? Although it's true that most vitamins and minerals are best obtained from foods that contain them (and the fresher the better), manufactured vitamins ensure that, whatever is happening with your gout diet, you’re getting the gout vitamins you need in the amounts you require. If you seek a better gout diet, these vitamins for gout should be part of it. Foods containing the vitamins listed here are also in the explanations you will read when you click on the gout vitamins and nutrients listed below. So you'll learn which foods you need to eat to intake these vitamins.There are also details about how each vitamin works, or may work, and why they are good for gout treatment.The two best documented gout vitamins, and about which there is much research about lowering uric acid levels, are vitamin C and potassium citrate. Quercetin (which is also anti-inflammatory), and beneficial bacteria may help do this.

Chromium Picolinate may help to burn fat, and have beneficial effects on insulin levels. Insulin is known to inhibit the excretion of uric acid. And to have beneficial effects on insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is one symptom of the metabolic syndrome which is a cause of gout. Pantothenic acid is another of the gout vitamins. It has been reported to lower uric acid levels. The omega oils are anti-inflammatory, and may reduce pain. Folic acid, has been reported to lower uric acid, if you take doses of 10 mg to 40 mg daily. Vitamin C and uric acid Gout vitamins and drug medications For a better gout diet a multivitamin/mineral tablet containing, (among all the others in the product’s formula), the following vitamins and minerals should be taken: (discuss with your doctor first): Vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, C, D, Folic Acid (Folate), Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Selenium, Zinc.Why? Because if you take drug medications for gout, you should note that colchicine, corticosteroids, allopurinol, NSAIDs and others deplete vitamin and mineral levels in the body especially these ones.

And because during gout attacks extra free radicals are created and therefore antioxidant vitamins like vitamin C are needed to quelch themPlease note All vitamin dosages are a guide only. They are not medical advice. Consult your doctor or a qualified naturopathic doctor (N.D). THE OMEGA OILS AND GOUT The essential oils, omega -3 and -6, can deliver immense benefits for the protection they give against heart disease, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and type -2 diabetes. All are associated with gout. And they may reduce the intensity of gout flares. If this topic is new to you, or you know just a little, the links below are worth clicking. The text material is concentrated, and you may need to return many times, if you want to gain a complete grasp of why this is so.The EPA/DHA omega -3 oils (fatty acids) in fish oil supplements are very beneficial because they are precursors of anti inflammatory prostaglandins. Click on this omega -3 oils link - Omega -3 oils (fatty acids) The trade off though is that if you eat fish for your omega -3, virtually all high omega -3 fish are high or medium purine.  

This dilemma is discussed on the fish for gout page, with possible solutions explained. On this page you can learn the names of a number of high omega -3, but lowish purine seafoods.Good quality omega -6 oils need to be taken along with fish oils because they too can make anti inflammatory prostaglandins. Click on the omega -6 link below.Omega -6 oils (fatty acids)Should you take flaxseed (linseed) oil for gout? It has a good balance of omega 3 to omega -6 oils, but the problem is that its omega -3 fatty acid is not EPA/DHA, which are good for gout, but alpha linolenic acid (ALA). The amount of ALA converted in your body into EPA/DHA is a number you cannot know, and various studies have arrived at widely varying conversion percentages. But some gout sufferers can get benefits from it. The pros and cons of flaxseed oil for gout are discussed here. Flaxseed oil, flaxseeds and flax meal for gout.A key omega -6 oil is gamma linolenic acid(GLA), which is found in evening primrose oil and borage oil.

The only adult food that contains GLA is oatmeal, also called porridge oats, but you need to eat the right sort. Read about oatmeal (porridge oats) hereStrictly speaking evening primrose oil and borage oil (also called starflower oil) are herbal plants, but we have included them on this page because most people think of them as dietary supplements, and so, generally, "vitamins." The reason to consider them is both contain high amounts of gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Borage oil has the higher amount.Can you report success, or not, with Vitamin C treatment for gout? Tell our visitors what your experience has been. Visit our Gout and Vitamin C testimonials page. If you wish to know the amounts of nutrients in foods, and in beverages, including alcoholic beverages visit this U.S. Dept.of Agriculture website.The database here is another excellent and free nutritional resource from the U.S. government, in this case from the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory, Agriculture Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture and HealtheTech Inc. 

We estimate that if all this free data was published in book format it would cost at least US$40. It can be searched online for the vitamin, mineral, water, ash, protein, calorie, carbohydrate, fats, fibre (fiber), cholestrol, sugars, caffeine and others, of foods and beverages. Or you can download it to your computer- see further on.The standard amount (default setting) is for 100 grams, (or fluid ounces in the case of beverages) but you can alter this figure to for example 200 grams or other amounts for foods. Or specific amounts of fluid ounces in the case of beverages.Additionally, for example, do you want to know the top foods and beverages for a certain vitamin (e.g. potassium or folic acid) sorted by nutrient content amount, from highest to lowest?  The results, called reports, (about 25 pages) will arrive in Adobe Reader format and can then be downloaded to your PC.Or, you can sort the results alphabetically by foods or beverages, and download the reports in Adobe Reader.

e.g. do you want an alphabetical list (A to Z) of all the foods and beverages in the database containing potassium (or whatever nutrient), and how much each food and beverage contains? Even better than this you can also download this database free-of-charge to conduct your own investigations on your own computer offline and on Palm OS PDA's. (It’s not the same as the flavonoids database found elsewhere on this website, which is for the flavonoid content of selected foods only). This database does not however have information on the purines content of foods nor the pH potential of foods. And for flavonoids you’ll need to use the other database. If you want the sorted reports, alphabetically or highest to lowest, you will have to go back online to the site to do this, and then download the results.Free nutritional information doesn’t get better than this! The knowledge can be used to know how much of a gout vitamin each food contains and you can plan your gout diet accordingly.                                       

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