vitamin c to increase platelet count

vitamin c to increase platelet count

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Vitamin C To Increase Platelet Count


Platelets, or thrombocytes, are cells that are vital to your blood's ability to clot. While a low platelet count, or thrombocytopenia, can arise from a variety of conditions, a variety of vitamin supplements can help prevent and treat this condition. Despite the ability of some vitamins to increase your platelet count, you should not use these supplements to replace pharmaceutical treatments. Vitamin C, otherwise known as ascorbic acid, is involved in the production and maintenance of your body's tissues. In addition, this vitamin is linked to a number of immune-boosting properties. As such, it may not come as a surprise that Atsushi Hirano and Hiroshi Ueoka of Okayama University Medical School in Okayama, Japan, found the use of ascorbic acid supplements to be effective in the treatment of chronically low platelet counts, in a 2007 study. By taking vitamin C supplements or eating foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, you may be able to increase your platelet count.

Similar to vitamin C, vitamin D plays roles in healthy bone development and maintaining and repairing immune cells. While the Platelet Disorder Support Association, or PDSA, recommends both vitamin C and vitamin D supplements to help avoid low platelet disorders, vitamin D supplementation may only be effective if your low platelet count arises from a vitamin D deficiency. Whether or not it directly raises your platelet count, a 2008 report by doctors John Cannell of the Vitamin D Council and Bruce Hollis of the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina, recommends vitamin D when treating low platelets. In addition to supplements, good sources of vitamin D include fortified milk and exposure to sunlight. One of the symptoms of low platelet count is vitamin B12 deficiency. As such, vitamin B12 may play a role similar to vitamin D, helping to increase your platelet count if your low platelet count is related to a vitamin deficiency. Endorsed by the PDSA, the role of supplements and foods rich in vitamin B12, such as fish, eggs and dairy products, in raising your platelet count is noted by the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements.

Due to the negative effects of excessive vitamin B12 on your blood's ability to clot, however, you should not exceed the recommended daily intake unless advised to do so by your doctor. While vitamin K may not directly influence your platelet count, it is essential to your blood's ability to clot. In fact, the name "vitamin K" originates from the German "Koagulationsvitamin," highlighting this vitamin's role in the coagulation of blood. Endorsed by the PDSA, the use of vitamin K to help treat low platelet disorders is common. Found in such foods as liver, broccoli and asparagus, vitamin K can help to reduce your risk of excessive bleeding due to a low platelet count, thus increasing your chances of being effectively treated for and recovering from this condition. Foods to Increase Blood Platelets Causes of a Low Platelet Count in Children Supplements That Affect Platelet Count Blood Platelets & Vitamin K Conditions That Cause Low Blood Platelets Nutrition to Boost Platelet Count

Platelets & Vitamin B-12 Medications That Cause Low Platelet Count B-12 and Your Platelet Count Side Effects of a Blood Platelet Transfusion Thrombocytopenia & Vitamin K How to Boost Platelets Naturally Exercise & Low Platelet Count Can Herbs Treat High Platelet Counts? Natural Antioxidants & Immune Boosters Best Foods for Borderline Thrombocytopenia Can Red Meat Boost Platelets? What Are the Treatments for Low Platelets in Infants? Reasons for Elevated Platelet Count A Low Platelet Count in PregnancyPlatelets are blood cells mainly responsible in blood clotting. For healthy functioning, the presence of folic acid (B9), vitamin B12, vitamin K and calcium is important. Moreover, its formation is supported by the presence of vitamin C and omega fatty acids. Read foods that increases a low platelet count. It will be a really horrible situation to experience sudden and uncontrolled gushing out of blood from the nose, gums and other openings of the body.

And sadly, it could happen with a really low platelet count. Before that happens, better manage it immediately. This may usually be a costly endeavor but there are affordable options such as all-natural remedies you can learn from money back guaranteed materials like Conquer Low Platelets. » 10 Side Effects & Is Aleve A Blood Thinner » 10 Causes of Irregular Periods » 10 Herbs for Weight Loss It is the synthetic form of vitamin B which can be found in dark green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, legumes and whole grains. Vitamin B9 or folic acid is essential for proper production of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the bone marrow. Its insufficiency can lead to delayed development of red blood cells, referred to as anemia, macrocytic type (blood has insufficient concentration of hemoglobin and RBCs are larger than their normal volume – macrocytosis). Reserves of this vitamin in the body are relatively small (12-15 milligrams). However, during pregnancy, due to increased production of red blood cells, it is necessary to increase the amounts of folate.

Its storage on expectant mothers has a rapid wear, so if it is not renewed it can result to anemia. Lack of vitamin B9 may have a decisive impact on decreased production of other blood elements such as leukocytes (white blood cells) and platelets (for blood coagulation). Folic acid is also essential on the renewal of epithelial cells of the digestive tract as well as the vaginal epithelium. In recent years, this vitamin is considered one of the most important element that should be present for the birth of a healthy child. It plays an important role in the development of fetal spine and brain. The ideal intake approach would be to start eating foods and supplements that contains folic acid in two to three months prior to conception and during the first trimester of pregnancy. Folic acid deficiency can cause severe birth defects of the brain and the child, like neural tube defects. In some cases, no noticeable signs of folic acid deficiency may be visible, but still be diagnosed of neural tube defect at childbirth.

In most folic acid deficiency cases, the doctor identifies the lack of blood test and ultrasound examination procedures during the period of pregnancy. When women take the recommended amount of folic acid before conception and during the first trimester of pregnancy, it helps prevent 50-70% of neural tube defects. However, recent research by March of Dimes shows that many women are unaware of the importance of folic acid. Foods that contain folic acids or vitamin B9 are green leafy vegetables, carrot, apricot, quince, beans, rye (rye bread). It can also be found in egg yolks and liver. The symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include: confusion, depression, tiredness, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, megaloblastic anemia, dementia, poor memory, nausea, glossitis, constipation, and loss of appetite. Symptoms are exacerbated in children where development and growth is affected, movement disorders is noticeable, and megaloblastic anemia may be present. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes certain biochemical changes in the body due to decreased enzyme activity. 

More precisely, methionine synthase decreased activity which causes an accumulation of homocysteine and decreased activity of L-methylmalonyl-CoA mutase resulting to accumulation of methylmalonic acid. Persons with mild deficiency of vitamin B12 can have elevated levels for these compounds, but does not necessarily have to show visible symptoms specific to the lack of this vitamin. Vitamin B12 deficiency can occur due to various factors but it usually takes 3-5 years before the appearance of symptoms can be observed. Neurological symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency may be present without the evidence of anemia, which occurs in 75% to 90% of people who lack this vitamin. Symptoms include a sense of numbness on the hands and feet, difficulty in walking, failing memory, disorientation, myelopathy, mood swings, irritability, mononeuropathy (optical or olfactory), autonomic neuropathy (impotence, urinary or fecal incontinence), and problems with concentration. In children appears irritability, abnormal growth and development, apathy, and anorexia. 

Read ways to increase platelet count. Plant foods rarely contain vitamin B12. Tempeh – fermented traditional soy product (in very small amounts). Vegetarians are recommended to eat adequate eggs and dairy products to get the required amount of vitamin B12. Vegans and individuals in macrobiotic diet should also give attention to the intake of this vitamin. Many of them actually choose vitamin B12 intake in the form of supplements. Vitamin B12 can be found in products of animal origin. Good sources include fish, shellfish, dairy products, liver, kidney, eggs, veal, pork. Low levels of vitamin K can raise the risk of uncontrolled bleeding. Vitamin K deficiencies are rare in adults, but they are a very common in newborns. An injection of vitamin K in newborns is a standard practice. Vitamin K is also used in controlling Coumadin (blood thinner) overdose. Calcium is one of the most essential minerals in our body. Calcium is well known as a building element for strengthening of bones and bone density, along with keeping healthy tooth and nail.

It may be less known, but it also acts very favorable on nerves, muscles, digestive organs, blood circulation and metabolism. Blood cells, including platelets, are produced in the bone marrow. A calcium positive position during the periods of pregnancy, lactation, perimenopause and menopause, help relieves symptoms of PMS along with slowing the aging process. In the following conditions, diseases or ailments – the role of calcium is irreplaceable: Eating disorders (obesity, anorexia) Problems with the digestive organs Disturbances in the growth of children Furthermore, recent research established that calcium acts as an activator of enzymes for the development of brain cells, help in promoting the implementation of bioelectric impulses throughout the body, plays its share on blood clotting, promotes the effect of drug intake, and participate in muscle spasms and production of hormones. Calcium can be found in several foods, but we will mention those with the most content:

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