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Vitamin C To Cure Uti


Urinary tract problems are some of the most commonly reported ailments in both cats and dogs, affecting pets of all ages and genders. Here’s what you need to know to treat your pet’s UTI through diet and nutrition. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a general term for a painful infection that is usually caused by bacteria entering the urethral opening. This can result in crystals or stones in the bladder, incontinence, or bacterial infections. Unfortunately, UTIs tend to be a recurring illness, and common ailments like diabetes can increase your pet’s risk, which is why it’s important to recognize the symptoms and know how to treat them and help prevent them. Your dog or cat may benefit from a special diet for UTIs if he or she has had any of the following symptoms: If you suspect your pet has a UTI, particularly if he or she seems to be in pain, see your vet immediately! Bladder infections can become serious and even fatal very quickly. Your veterinarian will be able to diagnose a UTI after a physical, blood work, and/or a urinalysis.

The primary course of treatment for a UTI is antibiotics for dogs and cats, like Clavamox. Always be sure your pet completes the entire course, even if the infection seems to have cleared up. But there are also ways you can shorten the duration of the illness and help prevent it from returning in addition to medications. Many pet food brands now have lines specifically promoting good urinary tract health, which will contain some of the above supplements. Read the labels carefully before giving your pet additional supplements to avoid overdoses of vitamins and nutrients. For cats, many urinary tract issues, such as bloody urine or straining to urinate, are caused by a disease called interstitial cystitis, and not by an infection. Interstitial cystitis should be treated with increased water consumption and an increase in salty foods. The salt will help with water absorption and will soothe the bladder wall. Be sure to take your cat to the veterinarian to get a proper diagnosis.

Nutrition to Prevent and Treat Cancer in Pets Food for Liver Disease in Dogs and Cats Try the Tool: Is Your Dog a Healthy Weight? This information is for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for the professional advice of, or diagnosis or treatment by, your veterinarian. It has however been reviewed for accuracy by Dr. Joe, a board certified veterinary nutritionist and graduate of Cornell University's program for Veterinary Medicine.Drink plenty of uids to help flush out bacteria in the urinary tract. Drink enough each day so that your urine is almost clear in color. Keep hydrated, and empty your bladder often to stave off these risky infections. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common infections in older adults, especially in women. But the infections are also commonly overdiagnosed and overtreated. "The overuse of antibiotics to treat urinary tract infections is a problem," says Dr. Michael O'Leary, a urologist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital.

The urinary system is made up of the kidneys, which filter toxins and extra water out of blood to create urine; the ureters, which send urine to the bladder; and the urethra, through which urine is excreted. UTIs often result when urine pools in the bladder, making it a perfect spot for bacteria to grow. Pooling may be caused by an obstructed urinary flow—from an enlarged prostate in a man or a descended bladder in a woman. Or a UTI may happen if "bad" bacteria cling to the urethra and find their way to the bladder. Other causes include sexual activity, catheters, kidney stones, and a lack of estrogen in the lining of a woman's vagina (estrogen helps protect against UTIs). UTI symptoms include frequent urination, a sense of urgency to urinate, and a burning feeling that occurs with urination. In older adults, confusion is also a common clue that may go unnoticed or chalked up to mild dementia. "Older men usually get obvious symptoms, but sometimes the only symptom for older women may be confusion," says Dr. O'Leary.

If a UTI is untreated, it may spread to the kidneys, where the bacteria can get into the bloodstream easily. This can lead to sepsis, the body's toxic and sometimes deadly response to infection. Diagnosing a UTI requires testing a sample of urine to look for bacteria and white blood cells, indicating the presence of infection. If a test turns out positive, it's necessary to grow the bacteria in a lab to see which type is causing infection. Treatment is usually a short course of antibiotics, but a more advanced infection may require stronger antibiotics given in a hospital. Dr. O'Leary says this process is where many doctors overdiagnose a UTI. "Older women have bacteria and white blood cells in their urine. But if the person doesn't have symptoms, it's not a UTI, and the person is needlessly treated with antibiotics. That's how you get resistant organisms." What you should do Call your doctor at the first sign of symptoms. The sooner you can catch a UTI, the better.

And do try to prevent UTIs by staying hydrated. "Don't worry about trying to drink eight 12-ounce glasses of water a day," says Dr. O'Leary, "but do drink plenty of fluids, since urinating helps to flush out bacteria." A general rule is to drink enough so that your urine is almost clear in color. Other suggestions include emptying the bladder throughout the day, emptying the bladder after sex, and—for women—a vaginal estrogen cream. Can diet lower your UTI risk? A urinary tract infection (UTI) may not be completely avoidable. But some dietary choices may ward off UTIs. Cranberries: These may help prevent (but not treat) UTIs by keeping bacteria from sticking to the lining of the urinary tract. Add cranberries to salads or brown rice; use cranberry extracts, which are low in sugar; or drink unsweetened cranberry juice. Blueberries: Like cranberries, blueberries may also keep bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract lining. Try them in salads, stir them into smoothies, add them to plain Greek yogurt.

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