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Wholesome cooking doesn’t have to be hard. Sign up to receive recipes and insight on how to eat, live, and thrive – naturally. An IPL Photofacial is the "go to" treatment for reducing the appearance of brown spots caused by aging or sun damage and to diffuse redness. A strong laser is used in IPL (intense pulse light) photofacial treatments. The laser frequency targets dark pigment in the skin and brings it to the skin’s surface. The dark pigment, which can be easily covered with makeup, just flakes off over the course of about a week. The laser energy in an IPL Photofacial also heats the skin, which stimulates collagen production. This heat also helps blood vessels that cause spider veins and rosacea to constrict, reducing their appearance. IPL Photofacial treatments are typically administered on the face, neck, chest, arms, and hands to provide a more even skin color. Treatments do not require topical anesthetic, and there is no down time. A series of treatments, each 4 to 6 weeks apart, may be needed to produce optimal results. 

On average, most people see a 90% improvement in brown spots and redness. or call Body Beautiful Spa now While chemical peels and microdermabrasion can be helpful, an IPL photofacial is the gold standard for eliminating dark pigment, particularly pigment caused by sun damage, freckles, and age spots on the face, hands and chest. IPL Photofacials also help improve the appearance of very fine lines and can help diffuse redness caused by rosacea and spider veins. An IPL photofacial is also effective at treating acne vulgarus. A 2010 study found that patients showed a 49.19% reduction in acne after four IPL photofacial sessions. In this study, no adverse side effects were observed during treatment and post-treatment. At 6 months post-treatment, 72% of the noninflammatory acne lesions were cleared and 73% of the inflammatory acne lesions were cleared. Rosacea can also cause discoloration on the skin. There is no known cause of rosacea, which manifests itself on the face with flushing and redness, bumps and pimples, and the small visible blood vessels called telangiectasia.

The range of possible causes has included defects in the immune system, nervous system and facial blood vessels, and the presence of microbes and Demodex mites. While there is also no cure for rosacea, IPL can minimize the redness that makes sufferers self-conscious. IPL photofacial treatments are not painful, however there is usually some mild to moderate discomfort during the procedure. After the IPL treatment, the skin in the treated area will likely feel sunburned with redness that usually subsides in the first few hours. Makeup can be applied as long as the skin is not broken. IPL photofacial treatments take about 30 minutes per treatment area. Areas that can be treated are the hands, lower arms, upper arms, shoulders, chest, neck, and face. Improvement can be seen after each treatment, however optimal results do require a series of three to five treatments per treatment area. Treatments are usually spaced about four weeks apart. While an IPL photofacial does provide some minor improvement for fine wrinkles and redness, its power is in removing dark pigment from sun damage, age spots, and freckles.

Today there are lots of laser brands to choose from for IPL photofacial treatments. Body Beautiful Spa uses the Cutera Limelight IPL. Many physicians, including our own who have worked with many brands, firmly believe that the Limelight is the most powerful IPL photofacial device available. A really good IPL Photofacial requires a powerful laser with the best settings for your skin type and the area being treated. Because mistakes in settings can cause burns and permanent hypopigmentation, many IPL photofacial providers turn the settings way down. Sometimes the settings are so low that the treatment doesn’t do anything at all! That won’t happen at Body Beautiful Spa. An IPL photofacial is a strong skin rejuvenation treatment, and not everyone is a candidate. While there are other contraindications, these are the most common reasons why someone is not a good IPL photofacial candidate. Darker skin types IV, V, and VI are not candidates for IPL photofacials as their skin can be permanently damaged.

An IPL photofacial treatment cannot be used on an area with tattoos or permanent makeup. The dark pigment will attract the laser energy, which can cause burns. You cannot have used Accutane or tetracycline in the last 6 months or used antibiotics in the last two weeks. These products and medications increase photosensitivity, which can increase likelihood of complications. If you are pregnant or nursing, you are not a candidate for an IPL photofacial. While there is no danger to the baby, hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and continue while lactating can cause the laser light to stimulate pigmentation, which can accelerate or precipitate melasma, a skin problem that causes brown or gray-brown patches on the face. Make sure your skin is in the right condition for an IPL photofacial to help reduce the risk of complications. Wait at least two weeks after receiving any temporary dermal filler, such as Juvederm, Voluma, or Resytlane, in the treatment area.

Stop using Retin-A®, Renova® (or other retinoid containing products), exfoliating sponges/scrubs, glycolic, alpha and/or beta hydroxyl acid and vitamin C at least 24 hours before your IPL photofacial treatment. You should not be tanned and cannot be sunburned when you receive IPL photofacial treatments. Avoid all sun exposure for 48 hours prior to treatment. Avoid tanning or tanning creams for at least two weeks prior to every treatment. You must refrain from using any blood thinners, including aspirin, ibuprofen, other anti-inflammatory medications, vitamin E, ginko biloba, and other blood thinning herbs for two weeks prior to your appointment. Blood thinning supplements and medications may increase the risk of bruising. Please consult your physician before discontinuing the use of any prescription blood thinners before treatment. If you have a history of cold sores/herpes, you should start an anti-herpetic medicine 48 hours before treatment. About Body Beautiful Spa

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