vitamin c iv whitening

vitamin c iv whitening

vitamin c iv vials

Vitamin C Iv Whitening


Page Contents1 What is Glutathione?2 What is Vitamin C?3 Interaction of Glutathione and Vitamin C4 Best Route of Administration5 Recommended Dosage6 Side Effects of Glutathione with Vitamin C7 Points to Consider Every day, the skin is exposed to the damaging effects of the environment pollutants, toxins, and radiation. This leads to the interference of the normal interaction of the body molecules. Aside from that, even the physiologic metabolic processes produce reactive oxygen species (ROS). The ROS generated by the metabolic activities leads to further cellular injury. Glutathione, together with Vitamin C, is a powerful antioxidant. It aids in decreasing the damaging results brought about by environmental hazards. Also, it neutralizes the effects of the ROS in the body [1]. These two are best used in whitening the skin. Their combination causes a youthful glow. Furthermore, the Vitamin C added to the glutathione creates a longer-lasting effect [2]. Picture 1: IV injection administration of Glutathione with Vitamin C

Glutathione is a substance in the body made from three amino acids, namely, glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid. This is known to be a detoxifying agent as well as an antioxidant. According to Dr. Elson Haas, a nutritionist, the primary composition of Glutathione that plays a vital role in its antioxidant properties is cysteine.   Glutathione pairs up with two substances to accomplish its functions. First, the glutathione peroxidise. This enables the conversion of ROS to water molecules. Second, the glutathione S-transferase allows the attachment of glutathione to the toxic by-products of the body for excretion [1]. Other functions of Glutathione in the body include the following: Also known as ascorbic acid,  vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient responsible for various functions. It plays a vital role in the maintenance of antioxidants in the body which involves aiding the effects of glutathione and vitamin E. It performs its functions by neutralizing the damaging effects of ROS.

Then, it is oxidized to the form of dehydroascorbate. After it is recycled to dehydroascorbate, it is again converted to Vitamin C.  Vitamin is commonly found in food sources such as acerola cherries, citrus fruits, and rose hips [1]. Other vital roles played by vitamin C are: In the review published in April 1994 by The Journal of Biological Chemistry, the interaction between Glutathione and Vitamin C is described as a partnership which aids in the body’s maintenance of antioxidants. These two help the body in getting rid of the harmful effects caused by toxic hydrogen peroxide and free radicals. This process happens when the glutathione enables the recycling of dehydroascorbate to vitamin C. In return, vitamin C performs its role by storing the glutathione in the tissues.  However, they both have functions which are independent of one another. Together, Glutathione and Vitamin C are considered to be one of the most effective skin whitening products. They both decrease the production of melanin.

As a result, this leads to lighter skin color. According to medical professionals, glutathione is better absorbed if administered through intravenous injections. Aside from that, it is proven that it is more effective when given intravenously since 100 percent of it is readily absorbed by the system. If taken orally, only 20 percent of it will be absorbed by the body because it is broken down by stomach acids. Since glutathione is a non-essential nutrient, it is manufactured in the tissues of the body. However, if the body will be exposed to higher oxidative stress, this can lead to the depletion of glutathione levels. To resolve this, glutathione supplementation may be recommended at the dosage of 250 to 750 mg of cysteine everyday. Another option is to take 100 to 250 mg of reduced glutathione on a daily basis. As for the case of Vitamin C, it is known to be an essential nutrient. The recommended dietary intake of this nutrient ranges from 40 mg (infants) to 120 mg (nursing mothers) daily.

Some even take higher doses as tolerated. IV glutathione injections are generally advised only for people who are 27 years of age and older [2]. The administration of glutathione and vitamin C through intravenous injections presents a small risk for infection at the injection site if not given properly and aseptically. Vitamin C supplementation may cause side effects such as diarrhea, indigestion, and nausea. Glutathione IV injections with vitamin C have been proven to give lots of benefits to the body especially in the maintenance of body’s antioxidants. It is always recommended to seek advice from the doctor before receiving dosages of this substance. Always remember to have it administered by trained professionals in giving IV injections like the doctor or a registered nurse. This is to ensure safety and prevent possible risks like infection, heart disease, and stroke.If you’re unhappy with the shade of your skin or have skin pigmentation issues, then a skin lightening infusions could be for you.

This involves an intravenous infusion (IV drip) of 2 main active ingredients (glutathione and vitamin C) that, over repeated treatments, acts to naturally lighten your skin and reduce excessive pigmentation. A combination of Vitamin C and Glutathione are given via an IV drip infusion for skin lightening. Vitamin C is known for its antioxidant properties and has been advocated as an anti-aging remedy.  Vitamin C can restore beautiful and clear skin by enhancing collagen production and also as a tyrosinase inhibitor which acts to block the formation of melanin pigment.  When Vitamin C is given as an infusion, it will enhance the lightening appearance of skin on the entire body in a safe manner. Glutathione is one of your body’s primary antioxidants. It is utilized by virtually every cell in your body, in its cellular enzymatic state (glutathione reductase), to maintain the cell’s healthy (redox) state and prevent the formation or action of harmful free radicals. Glutathione also works with your body to promote lighter skin by inhibiting the production of melanin.

The lightening process starts from the inside out and creates an overall body skin lightening effect. IV infusion can quickly replenish cellular levels of Vitamin C and Glutathione. These infusions for skin whitening have been used in China and Japan for many years to assist women with brightening their skin and are now available in western countries for people wanting brighter, lighter skin. Glutathione is made up of three essential amino acids. When taken orally in tablet/liquid form, the gastrointestinal system breaks much of the glutathione down into its 3 component amino acids before it can be absorbed into the system. By taking glutathione intravenously, you get the supplement directly into the body in its original form, bypassing any of the degrading processes associated with oral ingestion. It’s very hard to obtain glutathione in the diet, and only a few vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and carrots contain significant levels of dietary glutathione. However, we also know that cooking these raw vegetables depletes their usable glutathione contents by nearly 100%.

Similarly, the glutathione stores available in meat, dairy, and eggs, are only significant when the foods are in their raw forms. Thus, oral (via tablets or liquid) glutathione has not been proven to be effective, as it is largely destroyed in the body before it can be brought into the cells in usable form. While you can increase your vitamin C intake by eating more of certain foods e.g. citrus fruits and vegetables, or by taking oral supplements, there is a limit to how much you can consume before experiencing digestive disturbances. Often the amount of nutrients absorbed through the gut is less than ideal, due to various digestive problems. One way to ensure we get a large dose of Vitamin C is to have it injected straight into our system through the veins. This is referred to as intravenous (IV) therapy. For example, 10 g of IV vitamin C raises blood levels 25 times higher than the same dose taken orally, and this increases up to 70-fold as doses get larger. For skin whitening and brightening, it is recommended to have IV infusions twice to three times a week over one to three months in order to obtain full benefit (depending on the degree of skin whitening/brightening desired).

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