Vim videos from Derek Wyatt

Vim videos from Derek Wyatt

Sergey Abbakumov

Derek Wyatt recorded videos about the Vim text editor several years ago (

One can say that thanks to these videos, I came to understanding Vim. By the way, I liked the color scheme used by Derek (xoria256) so much that I still use it (by the way, Derek too).

xoria256 color scheme in Vim

I will not touch on the advantages and disadvantages of this text editor: I'll leave it for the following articles. I only note that I'm so used to Vim editing modes that I feel the editor as a continuation of myself. As A.S. Pushkin said: "The habit is given to us from above: it is a substitute for happiness".

Derek's videos will introduce you to both the basics of using and advanced things, for example, macros, global regexp-commands, expression registers and many others.

Derek Wyatt

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