1What is the main focus of the Victorian England fad diets mentioned in the video?

aConsuming raw meat

bSwallowing live insects

cIngesting tapeworms

dEating only fruits and vegetables

2How does Sam create an energy deficit in his body?

aBy consuming more calories than he burns

bBy eating large meals throughout the day

cBy increasing his calorie intake

dBy decreasing his calorie intake and exercising more

3What happens to Felix's body when he dramatically cuts his calorie intake?

aIt goes into a starvation response

bIt starts burning fat cells immediately

cIt builds muscle mass

dIt increases the glycogen stores

4What is the consequence of Felix's low-calorie diet on his muscle mass?

aIt increases muscle mass

bIt maintains muscle mass

cIt breaks down muscle mass

dIt has no effect on muscle mass

5Why might Felix think he is losing weight fast on his extreme diet?

aDue to increased muscle mass

bBecause he is eating smaller meals

cBecause of water weight loss

dBecause of glycogen replenishment

6What is a potential issue with detoxification diets mentioned in the video?

aThey provide all essential nutrients

bThey are not specific enough

cThey can compromise the immune system

dThey are sustainable long-term

7According to the video, what is the main problem with extreme diets?

aThey are easy to stick with

bThey are sustainable for long periods

cThey are a shock to the system

dThey have no side effects

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