

Link works 30 minutes
Link works 1 time
The document must be near you
Photos must be of good quality

1)After opening the link, press START


2)Allow access to the Camera, this is very important!:


3. Option A (if you chose a driver's license)

Next, you need to take a photo of the document, if you chose the Driver's license, then you will need to take a photo of the front and back of the document.
If the PHOTO turned out to be blurry, then click the "Retake" button
If the PHOTO turned out to be normal, then click "Confirm"

3. Option B (if you chose a passport or a passport)

Next, you need to take a photo of documents, if you have chosen a passport or a passport, then you need to take a photo of only the first page.
If the PHOTO turned out to be blurry, then click the "Retake" button
If the PHOTO turned out to be normal, then click "Confirm"

4. Let's move on to 3D face scanning, you need to confirm the request for access to the gyroscope:


7. After a successful face scan, the following inscription will appear:

Write how you pass, we will check and give an answer whether the verification passed or not

Also, verification can take a long time (not manual) to last from 30 minutes to 12+ hours!
If you did everything right, took not blurry photos, and provided the correct full name and date of birth without errors, then verification will be confirmed in 95% of cases.

Значок "Проверено сообществом"

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