Investment Fund

1,000,000 ₽ ₽ per hand


Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer (CEO)

Employment: full-time

7 years 7 months work experience

November 2019-present

3 years 10 months

Investor Financial Management

Managing Director

In November 2019, I started investing after selling a stake in an online English language school. I started with 300,000₽ with 150,000₽ invested to me at the time. I knew traders who were successful in the financial markets and started my investments with them. Then it turned out that some private investors entrusted me with their capital and I successfully worked with this money, learning trading, crypto market and other areas.

Thanks to this, a private fund was formed, where they entrust me with capital and I make returns for investors or make crypto portfolios on their accounts.

At the moment I work with 6 investors and managed maximum 11 million rubles in trust management.

January 2018 - October 2021

3 years 10 months

SELAS Online English School

Managing Partner

Until 2018 I was actively engaged in my chess school and teaching English as an offline tutor.

And then I had an idea : to recruit more students to teach English and make my own school working as tutors.

We did this project at home with my friend. We did advertising, created a vk group, instagram and our own website over time. Clients came thanks to paper advertising, banners, business cards. After we had more students, I came up with the idea of doing Skype lessons and then hiring some new teachers for working via Skype. So that I opened online school of English. It was in 2018.

My duties included: to negotiate with targetologists and control their work, to process applications until we hired a manager, to run social networks in Instagram and make video content in this social network. My friend handled faculty hiring, website development, and other things.

The school ran until 2021. I even sold a stake in this company. Had a cool experience.

February 2016 - December 2019

3 years 11 months.

Kings and Queens Chess School

Customer Service Supervisor

In 2016 I started working as a chess coach in a city club and after a few months of work, I was offered to recruit a group of kids myself and make my own club. In fact, thanks to this I formed my own business in this field, where I was engaged in communication with clients, marketing and recruitment. I no longer taught chess myself on a regular basis, but hired a very qualified coach and only occasionally filled in for him when he couldn't. This was straight up rare.

I was engaged in the development of design of promotional products, analyzing locations where to place, negotiated placement and also organized processes in working with promoters. And I communicated with the clients who came thanks to the advertising.

Key skills


Polish language


Crypto market

Business Communication


Mentoring and training

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